What happened to the Facebook login?!

Power, he wants power… it plays into his god complex


Flowlab war.I sense first flowlab war.

They told me I was wrong all that time ago…

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haha I made a parody one a while back, but it got taken too seriously and went to hecc

It’ll be called “Common sense vs Children”

I’ll let you figure out which one’s which :sunglasses:

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Kinda hard to fight a war against yourself

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A better name for it would be “Children vs Children”
See my power of insulting both sides at the same time,mortals.

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We have been subdued, do you masterful works of power

Lol I just triggered em stans all at once

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epic gamer roast moment pog

Hahaha I love “the Three Musketeers” but there are 4 :laughing:

ngl, I never even noticed that lmaooo

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Common Sense is all the way in Level Maker,the children are right here

I’ll let you figure out who are the children.

We’re all children at heart, some people are just children outside of the heart too.


The people who act like children are half of the world’s population,including both sides in this war.

Aight true words of truth have been spoken to me. I’m just gonna ignore y’all until you gain some common sense.

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All children are equal, but some children are more equal then others


You ain’t wrong,the thing is this isn’t Level Maker.

I’m in the Game World baby, you’re still stuck in the User Interface