What was your favorite Flowlab games of 2019? And new favorites 2020?

Just a general question - I’ve been out a while (maybe even more after), and I’d like to see what this forum is buzzing about recently. So, what was your favorite games from 2019 and 2020 so far? I’d like to check them out, and try them.

Also , on a side note, what was your favorite game outside Flowlab of 2019 and 2020? My personal favorite was Control, released by Remedy Entertainment and published by Terraria publisher 505 Games (really good game, highly recommend with Remedy’s other games i.e. Max Payne 1 and 2, Alan Wake, Quantum Break).

Anyways, comment away, really interested in your findings! Have a great day!

Hey, your back!

Hey welcome back!

You can try out my most recent project!! https://flowlab.io/game/play/1360995

Also @“Johnny boy” did a great job with rise so Ill put that here too http://flowlab.io/game/play/1107855

Just for a little bit @“Johnny boy” , but thank you for the welcome!

Thanks for showing these to me @“my_name (<_>)” , really liked your project, it is pretty unique and I haven’t seen it be done on FlowLab before! Very nice work, I liked it!

For Rise, by @“Johnny boy” , wow, it’s gone a long way! The music is also fantastic, really liked it! Now, for me, it glitched a ton, but what I was able to play on my lap top was great, really enjoyed all of the updates you gave the game! Some sprites can be updated, but you know I’m just very picky with sprite work and animation. Anyways, can’t wait to see more of your project! Good luck to you both!

most of my games were not very successful in my opinion they were popular just not successful all of them had over 200 plays, but @“The Kodex” @Polarbeer2019 @browngr (maybe he agreed to work on it but I’m not sure he has even looked at the game yet) @meburningslime and I have been working on a new game that I hope we will be able to post on something like this!

I dont think I have favorites for Flowlab Games or especially knowing what games where made in 2019 or 2020, so I’ll list my favorite games I created in the years.

2019: Drive Nero

Personal games
2019: Sekiro
2020: Unknown
Currently 2020 fav: Pkm Mystery Dungeon DX
Coming Soon or yet to play 2020: FFVII Remake and Half-Life Alyx

@“JR 01” I agree Nyctophobia was an amazing game!