Whats with the stuff blocked?

There like stuff blocked like for example fullscreen. I cant use it, is this like needs to be bought? or is it being fixed???

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You need indie for full screen as well as multiplayer, cloud, and a few other things.


UHHH??? Indie like do i need to register more???

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You have to pay either monthly or yearly for an indie account, then you get access to all of the premium features.


monthly, i have to pay my tax monthly, oh well if its worth it

It’s 50% cheaper to pay yearly, which is like $60 and it’s $9 a month I think.

I mean for full screen why is it does it have to be the limited feature, its just s fullscreen

well there are a ton more reasons to get indie, like unlimited games, levels, and objects

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$10 a month
$60 a year (same as $5 a month)

Well i thought this was free

Fullscreen is in beta testing I think. I’ve heard that a lot so maybe thats why indies need it.

I think indie is mostly for the unlimited objects/games and the multiplayer. (As well as the other tools that you get with it, shaders, uploading sounds changing background color, etc