When I dont move my mouse the mouse moving block doesnt work

I am trying to make a light that follows the mouse cursor, I already figured out the light thing but the problem is that if I move my character without moving my mouse it the light object will not move to my mouse. Even though this makes perfect logical sense because I am using game cords I cannot find any solution to this problem, even screen cords dont work because I leave the main screen area since I have a massive map.

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Put the mouse object in UI

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The problem is that the light can heal the player and damage enemies so idk

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Time for the older method, use mousemovement set to UI and add the Camera location to it (Set the camera outputs to a Global).

Mouse X + Camera X = Game Mouse X
Mouse Y + Camera Y = Game Mouse Y


I was too late in my response, yeah just what JR said. If you need an example of this code it should be relatively easy to find on the forums with a quick search

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