Who has Negatively Impacted flowlab the most?

I have to know for research for my game.

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I don’t like talking badly about other users.


I have a couple i would say for me but idk about anyone else but im not going to point fingers


yea, same i’l delete the my post

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I remember someone who was toxic, got banned and went back on flowlab to say that they are leaving and a such in an agressive manner.

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That was headlesshorseman

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that works perfectly, so ima see if i have a headless horseman in my sprite stock!!

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ok, so he didn’t really leave an impact BUT there was this bakugo dude who just showed up on the forums one day, trashed on mine and another guy’s games and then got promptly banned


that could also work, hmmm
keep bringing people up, if need be the headlesshorsman and such could be his elite underlings.

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Reynok, Haevoc

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I wouldn’t really say Agent Y. Sure he can be rude at times and the forums might have less conflict without him, but he still tries to help (sometimes). He’s the definition of a Discord user. And occasionally on very very rare occasions, his humor is actually funny.


Well, considering past and even current situations, I would probably say otherwise.

I’ve seen him help people before, but I’ve also seen him basically explain how much of an idiot someone is for not understanding something.

But I would probably have to say it would be my brother and his army of accounts such as; GrimWither, Grim Wither, GrimProductionz, Haevoc, Reynoc, Headlesshorsemen, and probably much, much, more. He’s currently back on the forums and I’m sure some of you probably already know, but he seems much more chill now so I don’t see it much of an issue.


Yeah, I’m ending this topic here.
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