Weapons can now drop!
I have to go to bed, but tomorrow I’m gonna make it so that weapons will drop upon death.
Okay so weapons can’t drop upon death but you do keep them when dying but lose them after a restart.
Also new gun! Knife Blaster by Adam.
wait I thought that was for rumble spire
He was talking about this game
Knife Blaster in action!
The Knife Blaster gimmick I’ve decided to give to it is that the knife bullets will stay in the game for 5 seconds before getting destroyed, you can pick them back up to reuse them!
HAH, make it so that the character plays basketball with his body and if you don’t continue he walks away, if he does continue you shoots a 2 pointer.
Hey that’s my child
Try out the Knife Blaster in the game! It’s really good to fight with
You can try fighting enemies by entering the Arena’s in the level editor.
right with?
Uhhh what do you mean
Ohh I meant “fight” simple typo
o k
I am going to officially work on the demo of ANIMOSITY. The game has been privated and copied.
Here is the copied version:
This is the version you guys are all used too.
why is this here?
also I keep walking forward even when I’m not pressing the buttons. cant jump on corners.
The game over labels are hidden for me though?
And I’ve played the game on multiple devices (School Laptop, Tablet, Phone, Gaming PC) and I was able to move properly and the game over labels were hidden too.
It’s your proxy I guess. Also I am able to jump on corners
its bad on mobile to.
also (no offence) but my brothers were watching me play and they said “why are you playing trash” so sad
No I connected a mouse and keyboard worked to perfection on mobile.
Why do your brothers watch trash?