Will's Gambit (Deadly_Smile)

Bro trust me the duo code is even laggier and messier

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A punch attack has been made. Although the enemies attack you once they touch you and you can only attack enemies by RMB and Colliding on their side at the same time there is a way to punch without taking damage. Enemies now have attack cooldowns and will begin shining when the cooldown is on. Attack cooldowns can activate when hurt or attacked which means if you shoot the enemy they’re cooldown will turn on and you can punch them.


Bro make punching work like the jackhammer in ultrakill where the player’s velocity determines the damage of the punch




The screen will now shake if a successful punch was made.


I also added a stamina bar similar to ULTRAKILL’s. When playing BradenS Ultrademake I saw what he did was clever so I added that into my game but with labels. (signs of laziness)

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I recemend that you make the red floating enemies less powerful, also i might be able to help with some of the games sprites (the player looks amazing but the ground could use work) other than that the game looks amazing and im hyped to play

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I’ve been meaning to redraw the ground for a bit but I’m glad you’d like to help!
Also the “Smigglorbs” (silly name for red floating guys) do 1 damage like the Walking Fungus does.

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I say you need to lower their health yo make them more of a fannon fodder enemy similar to the filth from ultrakill

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I’d probaly have to do it on my family’s laptop due to me and my dad still trying to fix a pc

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so 2 HP? They all have 3 HP (the enemies)


Okay so now there are 2 ways to punch an enemy without getting hurt. To shoot the enemy and activate their cooldown- or have the enemy miss.

Enemies will have a short time frame where they’ll try to attack but the player can dodge quickly causing the enemy to miss. They can also accidentally attack their fellow comrades too.


(It’s not exact velocity, it’s subtracted by 10 and then adds a 0.5)


Okay instead of super jumping being W+[SHIFT AND W] it’s just [SHIFT AND W] and you no longer can dash upwards. Super jumping takes up 2 stamina points and if you have 1 stamina point and use a super jump it’ll freeze you in place causing you to be vulnerable to enemies.

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bro, i think the weapons need to have more depth, like what if the shotgun knocked the player back when ever its shot making it also serve as a movement tool, and you know how the knife gun’s knifes stick to the ground? what if enemies get damaged when touching the knifes who are stuck to the ground allowing you to set up traps

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Yeah some weapons will also be movement tools but I haven’t them yet. The most simplest one would probably be a rocket launcher.

Also I’m pretty sure the stuck knives still do damage but I’d have to check

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Oh they don’t do damage because they become disabled but I’ll add it since it makes sense.

But it can still damage you so you would have to be careful of your own traps

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bro what if the knifes explode into shards if their stuck to the ground and an enemy touches them, and you can shoot them to explode them early

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that’s going a bit too far but I’ll keep the idea in mind for another gun

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