12000 BC PREHISTORIC SURVIVAL - Looking for a talented helping hand to add to the team

Here are some images/videos from in-game so far.


On land

In the water


Cutting down trees

Image from Gyazo

I need somebody that’s experienced with Flowlab behaviors and is down to put in a little time to make something good and really bring together a semi-realistic prehistoric world that keeps whoever playing for hours. For this, I think there is a few features that are necessary to bring it together and make it seamless.

The main focus of the game on the very first day is to find food (potatoes, berries, and fish at first) then shelter is the next thing you need to survive the cold night (a cave, or if you’re good you’ll have a hut built by your first day) but what will come after is what will really make it unique and immersive in its own way. You start out with one hut and then keep adding on to support a village started by npcs attracted by your extra huts. After that, you can select and assign these npcs to a job through a list of your villagers.

Other fun features of the game will be dungeons, mining, fishing, hunting big and small game, farming, town building and resource management and strategy.

If anyone knows of a way to create world generation we can do that. Otherwise we can just make the map big and just keep expanding it.

Overall other features that are essential for the game:

Inventory - complex inventory system with 20 items to begin with 4 slots when you first spawn in, and then it can be expanded by 8 with a bag.

Crafting system
I don’t know if this has been done in flowlab but it should be pretty easy honestly just making sure the resources that are required are in their inventory and then swapping those resources with the finished product.

Advanced AI - Not the most advanced ever, but at least having a couple random things to say and able to walk around and do things at certain times as a villager (Wakeup, go to assigned job, eat, sleep.) and the behaviors honestly wont be that complex just a lot of things to get done.

If you’re interested in helping in the production of this fun game and concept, friend my discord and we will get to work ASAP g00sebumpz#9185


sprites arent half bad, good job