⏲ 45-Minute Game - CodeAlpaca

Hello :wave: ! I was inspired by @paisleypug and @theboxlion (not sure if they have a forum account) to make a game in 30-minutes :clock1:! However as per usual, I overscoped lol :sweat_smile:. So instead, I had to make it in 45-minutes!

It’d be really cool if this was a trend, so I encourage everyone to try this themselves and to also record it and upload it!

Watch the video here!

You can also play the game here:


They do, I’ve seen it here around. I’m just not sure what they’re forums name might be.


nice, i couldn’t make something that good in that amount of minutes

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Hm… Nice.


Nice time, would sure be a shame if it was beaten…

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:rage: :rage: :rage:

I’m on it.

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Could you please add Spacebar as shoot and R as restart? It gets annoying sometimes.

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Yeah, I’ll add that soon :+1: