A Boy in Armor (Update Log)

Keep on suggesting things! Now, it can not be objects, but maybe something I can program into the game (I ran out of objects). Thanks, and have a great day!

New update added (In programming)! Go check the description!

Added more to this! Even to design! Check description!

New art added! Check description!

Umm… @rcteger the description is like a million pages back :lol:

3, to be exact, but okay @meburningslime :lol:

Now it’s 4

Nope, sorry @meburningslime :lol:


New update! Check description!

There is an issue with the idle animation, and it wont save, so don’t yell at me if it doesn’t work :lol:


New updates in design! Check description!

Another update, this one for the menu! See description!

Also, why are you “yelling at me” @meburningslime ? :lol:

Updates are going to be slowing down, but if there is anymore design suggestions, just feel free to let me know! Thanks!

Try making an actual combat system please XD

…How many times do I have to tell ya’ guys this? This is a STORY GAME! Let that image of story game engrave into your minds, to be forever placed in your memory, to know this is a story, not something full of death, but something to listen to, to do something that most people don’t: Paying attention. Sorry if that came out gruff, but a lot of people have been asking for a combat system, even though there will not be enemies of any kind other than the antagonist of the STORY. Thanks for understanding, don’t take this to any offense, and have a great day! :lol:


I’ll check it out. Thanks @meburningslime !