A list of feature requests

Hey Grazer you can pick something here if you run out of ideas! :slight_smile:

Hide cursor behavior:
Hides the cursor in the game frame, very useful for custom cursors (like a sniper cursor) :smiley:
hide: hides the cursor
show: shows the cursor
outputs: 2

Physics behavior:
get: gets the value chosen in properties
set: sets the value chosen in properties
Outputs: 2
Properties Drag/bounce/friction radiobuttons

* Behavior bundles for objects in the user interface!

* The ability to delete levels

* The ability to drag and drop behaviors into a behavior bundle.
With a confirmation alert please! EXAMPLE: Are you sure you want to move these behaviors into this behavior bundle?

* Alerts with 2 or 3 buttons
You can choose if you want 1, 2 or 3 buttons. The third button is not really needed for me but it could be useful.

* A behavior to set all saved values (with save behaviors) to 0

* Parallax layers
You can choose the depth for each background object

* More object layers
3 layers are not enough. Make 5 or maybe even more.

* A behavior to change the layer of an object (you can choose type and name)
You can get the value from an extractor

* A hue, saturation and brightness behavior to change the color of an object
Would be useful to highlight buttons when you go with you cursor over it. Or nice effects.

* An ‘in’ and ‘out’ output in the collision behavior
IN occurs when the object collides with another object
OUT occurs when the object doesn’t collide with the other object anymore

* Make the minimum value of the proximity behavior 4.0
Currently it’s 8.0

* Make the maximum of size behavior higher (something like 1000)
I don’t care about pixelated sprites. It’s the game creator’s own choice.

* Make your games unlisted, public or private
PRIVATE: Only you can open the game
UNLISTED: Only people with a link can open the game. You can’t see it on your profile and in the games page.
PUBLIC: Everyone can open your game

* Selecting objects in the level editor
You can select objects with a select tool and delete, copy, move, rotate and flip the blocks in the selection. There’s also a paste button to paste the last copied selection.

* More buttons in the alert behavior
Maximum of 3 buttons. So it would have 3 outputs.


* Text box GUI behavior In the level editor you will be able to resize the textbox or move it to another location.

IN: Sends the output
TEXT: Changes the text of the text box. You can either connect a number or text behavior to it.
ALPHA: Changes the opacity of the textbox.
ON: Enables typing in the textbox
OFF: Disables typing in the textbox
MAX LENGTH: Changes the maximum length of characters in the text box (0 = infinite).
X: The x location of the textbox
Y: The y location of the textbox
WIDTH: The width of the textbox (uses grid, not pixels)

CONFIRMED (trigger): Occurs when the ENTER key is pressed when the text box is focused. Sends the text on the textbox.
CHANGED (trigger): Occurs when the text changed in the text box. Sends the new text on the textbox.
FOCUS (trigger): Occurs when the user clicks the textbox so he/she can start typing on it. Sends the text on the textbox.
LEAVE (trigger): Occurs when the user leaves the textbox by clicking somewhere else in the game. Sends the text on the textbox.

ALL CHARACTERS (radio button): Allows all characters
LETTERS ONLY (radio button): Only allows letters (a-z and A-Z)
NUMBERS ONLY (radio button): Only allows numbers (0-9)
LETTERS AND NUMBERS ONLY (radio button): Only allows letters and numbers (a-z, A-Z and 0-9)
MAX LENGTH (number): The maximum length of characters in the text box (0 = infinite).
BOTH CASINGS (radio button): doesn’t affect lowecase or uppercase characters.
ONLY LOWERCASE (radio button): changes all uppercase characters to lowercase.
ONLY UPPERCASE (radio button): changes all lowercase characters to uppercase.

* Text behavior
SET: Sets the new text
IN: Sends the output
ADD: Adds text (so if the text is “hello” and you add " world" it will be “hello world”), also sends the output
INDEX: Selects a position in the text for the “insert” input. By default it’s 0.
INSERT: Inserts text in the text, uses the “index” value to put the text in the right position. For example, the text is “Hello”, you insert “222” and the index is 3. The new text will be “Hel222o”. If the index is 0 it will be “222Hello”. Or 5: “Hello222”. If the index is above the character count it will add the text at the end.
COUNT: counts the characters in the text


TEXT (text box): Initial text

* A filter for text
Same as number filter but then with text. The filter we have now will be called “number filter”, and this will be a “text filter”. The dropdown would look like this:

  • Text equals to
  • Text contains
  • Text starts with
  • Text ends with
    After the dropdown there’s a text box so you can compare the text.

* Improvements to the label behavior
Changing the label’s text with a text input. Also setting it’s position with an x and y input. You’ll also be able to choose if the label has to be in the UI/object layer (by default on the UI layer). Labels on the object layer won’t move with the camera. It will be a very good idea to do this with this with bars too (so we can finally make health bars above enemies!).

Sprite editor:

* A square and a circle tool

* Bring the brush tool back from the old sprite editor

* Text tool
You can choose what font you want and the size of the text.

* Edit the hitbox of the object
You can draw a square or a circle in the hitbox editor with the square and circle tool.

* A select tool
You have to select something in your sprite. The selection is just a square. You can move the selection somewhere else in your sprite.
Here I have some shortcuts:
[Ctrl] + [C] to copy
[Ctrl] + [V] to paste
[Ctrl] + [X] to cut
[Delete] to delete
Arrow keys to move 1 grid box.

* Resize selection
If you selected somethig you’ll see dots in the edges of the selection to change the size of the selection. Just note that this is just stretching pixels.

* Rotate and flip
Rotate a sprite -90/90 degrees or flip it horizontally/vertically. When you selected something it will only affect the selection.

* Transparency
Edit the transparency of the pixels in the color picker.

* Export to png/jpg file
Save sprite to your computer

* Support GIF animations
If you are making an animation there will be a button to upload a GIF file. It will separate all frames and make an animation of it.

I got some ideas of my own:

a hit box editor
hitboxes that rotate with the sprite
being able to log in FROM the editor just in case you make a big edit but forget to log in
a smoothening tool
an opacity option in the sprite editor
the brush tool
resizing sprites
sprite cloud (basically we get to upload and store sprites we make if we want to reuse them from game to game)
multiple parallax layers
background behaviors that don’t involve movement (such as animations)
text tool for the sprite editor
uploading .gif files and them saving as an animation for the object it’s been uploaded to
a recolor tool for the sprite editor
make the proximity able To be infinite in size

Edited topic. Stole Added some ideas from jngthree.

Another thing: multiple parallax layers

You already said that in your previous post

I know. I was emphasizing it

Added new stuff because I can :slight_smile:


YES Gif animations would be soooo useful! @Latif3 @Grazer

( ? ?? ?)

Bump because I’m a bad boy

Added 1 thing, duplicating behaviors

Wow I completely forgot this topic. I just edited it a bit. The hue, brightness and saturation behavior is just awesome. It must be added.

Added more stuff that will never be added :smiley:

Hide cursor behavior:
Hides the cursor in the game frame, very useful for custom cursors (like a sniper cursor) :smiley:
hide: hides the cursor
show: shows the cursor
outputs: 2

Physics behavior:
get: gets the value chosen in properties
set: sets the value chosen in properties
Outputs: 2
Properties: Drag/bounce/friction radiobuttons

* Improvements to the label behavior
Changing the label’s text with a text input. Also setting it’s position with an x and y input. You’ll also be able to choose if the label has to be in the UI/object layer (by default on the UI layer). Labels on the object layer won’t move with the camera. It will be a very good idea to do this with this with bars too (so we can finally make health bars above enemies!).

The Attacher
behaviour it’s quite simple.
But I think it would be more helpful if it was more complex.

The Idea:

  • Object is attached but can move himself anyway

Game Layer
Just one more Layer
 4 will save me.

This is such a big problem on my game. People always complain about it. “I DIDN’T TOUCHED IT! WHY I DIED?!”
I don’t know maybe more hitboxes shapes or costum hitboxes or just the hitbox following the sprite or it changuing when the object flips.

Hitboxes for sure are going to get improved, but I have a few more things that I need to do before I tackle that one.

Will we be able to change the hitbox with behaviors so we can make a mushroom power up like in mario? (just an example)

Lmao I wish I could implement these things for flowlab. I’m going to learn Haxe brb.

@grazer Do you use OpenFL to make flowlab?