A little over 400 plays and on page 46

My game Survive the Zamboodles ( http://www.flowlab.io/game/play/707504 ) is on page 46 of the game section with a little over 400 plays, can we get it further???

More plays, or likes? I gave you both, and I even played it again. Hey everyone!

@meburningslime @ManiacPumpkin @lolpinkshep @Crigence @CrimsonBlackGames @Latif @“Johnny boy” @ToastMaster64 @Polarbeer2019 and everyone else, come play, and give it a like!

Im in

I have 100 and im on page 9

I think how the paging system works is fractional. Say like @meburningslime has three likes per hundred plays, 3/100. Say that @MagmaDude100 had one like per hundred plays, 4/400, the amount of the likes rateis higher for Slime’s (in this scenario). So if you have higher plays, it doesn’t matter unless your likes even this out.

Is this right @grazer ?

Just added a mini update to the game, I would also like feedback (especially on the shoty) such as a weapon being overpowered or underpowered (if you can (such as time between shots) , can you help me with it?)

that fractional thing MIGHT be how it works, telling from the amount of games up there with a lot of favorites @rcreger

The minigun is the hardest one to buff/nerf because I’m trying to make it to where the shots go in random directions, but it’s difficult

EYY, still on page 46