This is a little multiplayer game I made that is completely functional. It’s got a style similar to those old Flash shooters like Raze, Plazma burst, Strike Force Heroes, etc.
Teams and such are possible, but the current mode is 2-4 player free-for-all.
Here’s also a trailer-ish short video demo:
Ayo @thebrickccentric where have you been?
Glad to see u back!
I’ve been working on lots of games, I just haven’t really had much time for the forums.
To be honest;
This looks great, and it’s definitely inspiring. Haven’t worked on anything for months… this is tempting me.
i like that,want play toghether
So I’ve fixed and improved a few things:
-there should now be far fewer desyncs.
-spawns are now randomized so you don’t just spawn in the same spot you died
-the explosions are a bit better looking and are slightly less overpowered
-there are a few sounds; music will be there soon
-the 2 weapons now have different sprites so you can tell what weapon someone is holding
-there are fewer bugs when joining an existing game, though some still need to be fixed
The real reason I’m posting this, though, is because I don’t have much more time to work on this and keep improving it. So if anyone at all wants to copy this project and try to improve or develop it, or build a new game using its framework, or if you just want to use the art or the code, feel free. Use absolutely anything in this game; I just hope someone can expand on ideas like this. It would be awesome, for instance, if people made other modes than standard slayer/deathmatch (like capture the flag, zone / item control, etc.)
Hello! (I knew this topic had to be somewhere)
I, obviously, just found this topic and wanted to say; If I had the time to play an hour of any Flowlab game, it’d be this one. It is amazing, fun, and hard. I found this game about seven months ago and, ever since, it has been among my favorite games on this engine. Although I’m pretty sure that it’s finished and this topic is dead, I felt that I had to give a bit of feedback. My favorite part about this game is the variety of weapons that the player can choose from. (My personal favorite being 4). Oh yeah, my favorite level is 3.
I apologize for reviving the topic. (Oh gosh, two years, lol. Sorry.)
No worries, I actually really appreciate that! I had fun making all the weapons so I’m glad you enjoy them (yeah, 4 is pretty fun
The multiplayer has been broken for a while (still waiting for grazer to improve multiplayer…); however I will mention that I am planning to remake this game, and right now I’m trying to figure out the math and coding for various mechanics I want to include (like weapon pickups, vehicles, armor suits, etc.). It will be a while before I even start the new game, but it will happen!
Thanks again!
@thebrickccentric, this is literally one of the best games I’ve played.
Wow, thank you! It’s still got lots of room to improve, but I’m glad to hear you enjoy it.