A Q u e s t i o n (title spread out to be 15 characters)

Do you have a keyboard example already in?

You mean the keyboard behaviour?Yes.

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Connect the output of the keyboard (the part that goes into the GUI) into B.

Do you mean I connect B to either up/down?

I’ve connected B to down,what now?

This is how I test for a custom user. I recommend doing this only putting the text list into the compare

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So I’ve done that.Do I need to code any more?

Nope, if you connected the word list to the compare then it should work if the word list equals whatever you typed into the compare.

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What part of the text list to I need to connect into the compare?

I’m not sure lol, @glowbug

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@glowbug What part of the text list to I need to connect into the compare?

If you look back at the images there are two different ways you can do this, with a Text compare or a Text list, you can’t combine both, well at least not in the way I know how to. You would need to push a line of text out to a text behavior to compare them since the Text compare behavior only works with text behaviors. basically you need to convert a line of text and input it into a Text behavior


A text list is a text behaviour tho

no, I’m taking about the regular text behavior, they are very different.


Text Lists and Text are different.

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btw, why do you want to know this?

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