A very strange problem

I was using extractors and random blocks (as in the one that generates random nums) so that once something was used, it would destroy itself and put a random new “card” in it’s place. But for some reason, it always spawn the other card far away. Can someone help me? You can check it out here.

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Also for anyone who would like to help me the “Bugging?” Code is in the knight card

This seemed to fix it.

I don’t know if it’s what you need but it seemed to work

Something you can try is making it be an emit, zero push force emit at exact same location. Immediately after emitted destroy the object.
Should look like:
(Your trigger)—emit(replacement item)—destroyer.

Yea that worked really well! Thanks! :grinning:

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Im glad it did :+1: Please ask if you need anything else :slight_smile: