A Woman That I Have Come Back For (Romance Story)

That may be the case and I can’t really disagree with that logic.

But if you plan to make a graphic novel or dating simulator, the dialogue is a very big portion of the game and the grammar should be mostly correct to give off good quality and to be understood better.

If I were someone learning a new language, I probably wouldn’t make a game heavily based on that particular language unless I grammatically knew to speak and write it correctly.

It’s not the final product of the game and I’m sure there’s a lot of details that need worked out, but for the most part, I do think good grammar would be a bit important for a game like this.

I’ve always had high standard when it came to speaking somewhat good grammar and my friends even make fun when I try messaging them in perfect punctuation. As a writer, it’s just a habit and not a bad one at that.


I am japanese and came to amercia a few years ago. Im still learning english so please if you see wrong spelling please tell me thank you


Understandable, have a great time of day

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If you ever need an editor to help translate the general story into a more legible piece I could always help out if you need to.


Thank you! I i need help i will ask you thanks!


Hi Everyone! The art journey is coming together! I plan to show you all the progress that I have did on the weekends. I also have a lot of lore to tell you. I plan to make another official page called “A woman that I came back for lore”. This will tell show the lore of the whole game and all that canon stuff. But for now, I need to create chapter 1 first.


In a few hours the drawing will be reviewed! Here is another log from the main character.( I still dont have a name for any of these characters :confounded:) but the longest one yet.
Oct 30 2022
When I came to this town, i didn’t really noticed a lot. I thought everything was the same. But like there was more schools opened there and more houses. This town was getting bigger. The popluation went up twice than 10 years ago. There was more stuff to do. There was even a arcade. The games there was kinda fun to play in better than the city. It was not that crowded. the cafe got bigger, more recipes were made. But I still haven’t tried it yet. The only thing that hasn’t changed in this city is the open-windows. It’s hot here as usually and so many leave their windows open to feel the breeze. They do have air-conditoner, but most don’t even use it. I am still wondering where she is though. I haven’t really been talking about her ever since I came here. I think I should. Its been 2 weeks now…I really haven’t seen her since. I went to her house that she lived 10 years ago, but she was not there. Another person brought the house. He told me her family moved to the new side of the town., where they opened up a art muesum. I guess i will head there next.


i think you mean revealed

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pls capitalize all singular I’s plz


i am afraid that i will not


Yeah… @paisleypug read above

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Oh…Thanks for showing me my mistake. Reveal and review kinda sounds the same…


i’m sorry, i simply wanted to point that out, also they’re talking about spelling while i pointed out using the wrong word for something

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oh no, I was referring to Etsuko, but you too! I meant no disrespect


it’s fine, i’ve grown used to being disrespected in every day life


Life can be unfair sometimes, but it’s ok right?


Me too. But sometimes I don’t like it at all and also @paisleypug im sorry. I agree with you that Etsuko has some wrong spellings

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I mean we all have some mistakes


For someone learning a new language, even in a couple year span, you have my full respect.

I’ve been learning Spanish for almost 3 years now and I can hardly speak or understand it at all.

So I don’t feel too bad if you make a slight mistake or not, the fact that you’re trying is incredible.


Now this is best answer of all of us. Congrats ManiacPumpkin!
:confetti_ball: :grin: