Account Downgraded? Games Missing? Read this ⚠️

So last week I noticed a serious error in the payment integration.

It turns out that a few months ago, due to an update with the payment processor they stopped returning error messages when some payments failed. This means that in some cases, account upgrades started going through even though the charge did not.

The result of this is that some people who tried to subscribe recently but failed for some reason (maybe mistyped the card number, incorrect expiration date or whatever) had their account upgraded anyway.

This is super inconvenient for all involved, so if your account got caught up in this I’m really sorry.

I guess the silver lining is that some folks got a free trial of the upgrade for a while, but the down side is that affected accounts have been downgraded and reverted back to the 3 game minimum for free accounts (no games were actually deleted, and they’ll get added back to your account if you decide to subscribe again).

I have spent the last several days frantically rebuilding the payment system to use a newer version, so the issue has been resolved, but I didn’t want to make an announcement until it was deployed and tested.

The new payment system is now in place, but I’m still in the process of contacting people who were affected. I wanted to post this so that anyone who got caught up in this issue can understand what’s happened.

If you have questions, feel free to post below. If you suspect your account was affected, I apologize again for the hassle. Please email me (, DM me in Discord, or DM me here if you want to discuss.


All I see is “Free Indie”


Well, I mean that sounds great except many people didn’t probably even realize they weren’t charged, and it’s frustrating to have it just disappear when you thought you paid for it :frowning:


I’m glad this issue was fixed. I personally have not had any issues with payment, as I’ve never changed my plan since edu, but I’m grateful that everything is working as intended again.