Advanced jumping help!?

ok for my game deaths end the jumping feels very inconsistent so is there anyway to make it feel the same all the way through out make the gameplay more smooth!? @JR01 @grazer @Samuel_Tomé_PixelPizza @AbstractGallery @00T_Free

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Inconsistent doesn’t give me enough context, plus it seems to be working just fine.


well the jumping sometimes jumps to high or not high enough randomly instead of staying the same and every once in a while it gives you a speed boost from jumping

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Are you using velocity?


i mean the game link is right there so i dont understand why you just asked such a simple question but no im not not for (y) anyways

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If you don’t use velocity it will be physics based making it less consistent.


so instead of the impulse you want me to use velocity? wait hold on let me look at my code

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what would I change?

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Don’t use impulse, use velocity

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ok that is somewhat better