Aeternus (Devlog)

Hello all, SwordScript here! I’m happy to share my first Flowlab game with you all over the course of its development. At of the time of posting, the game is in a very incomplete state, with not much completed, but I figured as a new developer I could use the most feedback as possible!




the sword cooldown is really slow, and until 2 is pressed, the “turtle” will not move
Add sound effects like swipe found in premium

Correct- as explained in the description you are not supposed to be able to move until the combo is completed, so until you press 2 you will not be able to move. As for sound effects, i will be making my own. They are just not a priority at this moment

I just play tested the game, and I remember checking it out back when you were having issues with the background objects repeating.

The visuals were good, although I’m not sure about the lighting system. There is a glow on top of the chandeliers, but they only appear when the player is near it. Same thing with the rest of the light sources. Typically, you want the game to appear rather dark, and the light sources help illuminate a radius around it.
I’m currently working on a project that uses a similar light mechanic, but it’s mostly for visual effect than a mechanic, so the game itself isn’t very dark, but lighting elements still have a glow to it.

The Character itself is a bit confusing since you have a rather strange keybind setup going on, and from what I heard you say, that you have to press 1 and 2 to complete a full combo before you can move again. I’ve played some old NES remakes on online websites that use arrow keys to move the character, but use Z, X, C, and/or V to act as interaction or attack keys. Now, everyone is entitled to their own playstyles so I’m not too strict on this setup, however, I do find the attacking mechanic a little comfusing.

One thing I would suggest is just making it the same key, and if you press 1 for example, twice in a short period, it would complete the same combo as if pressing 1 and 2, but if you only press 1 once, then after a short cooldown, you can return back to your normal walking movement without having to press a second button to return to normal. This may seem more complex, but it definitely simplifies the gameplay a little bit so it’s easier for new players to understand without having to look up the key binds and instructions.

Another thing I would recommend is to add some sort of menu or title screen that could also display the key binds and the combo you need to perform. So, it can be easily viewed within the game.


Completely understandable! I appreciate the feedback, and will definitely keep them in mind. I will definitely agree with the keybinds being rather confusing, and it is something I will work on. I will most likely do what you said, and simplify the attack button to one key. As for the lighting you are correct, and it is actually what I was going to fix after i improved the attack animations.

Also, for the title screen you are completely correct, and I’ve actually already started working on it.

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If you’d like to try it now I’ve just implemented your suggestion! Now you don’t have to press 2 at all, just press 1 twice.

I am yet to allow the player to move after the first attack, but I will be working on it so I’m sure by the time you re-test the game it will already be done.

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As for @Zethanstar I’ve made the animations much quicker, to make the game feel less sluggish.

Also, for the lighting, I found this website which allows you to make various different gradients and you can make a white circle on a transparent background for lighting auras.

I was able to create:

You can use the image that I was able to generate, but if you play around with the website, you could make a aura with a more orange tint to it so it acts like it’s more of a flame color than just a white light.

For example, I used it for some visual effects in one of my current projects.

I think the image itself is naturally large, but you can scale it up using the size behavior as well, so you can adjust it to however you need.

The way it works is that is uses the Alpha and Blend behavior to actually blend with the environment around it, so that’s why it’s not just a straight up transparent sphere on the screen, but a lighting aura around the light source.
The cool thing about using a plain white gradient is that you can use the color behavior to actually change its color based on the Red, Green, or Blue hue you decide to change. That’s what I did to make a purple, it basically just removed a majority of the green, while adding more red and blue.

There are various websites that probably work, but this was one that I was able to use and verify myself. It’s mostly made for gradients between different colors to make custom banners and stuff, but you can make the sprite above if you play around with it. You can even use the one I was able to make if it helps any.

Although for your game, you probably don’t want the aura to be very bright, since it’s supposed to show a subtle lighting variation when near a lightsource, so I would recommend turning the Alpha number down until it seems to fit your needs.

The only reason I wanted to share this is because this sprite is super difficult to find by looking it up, and it’s very useful for lighting mechanics in games.


Oh wow thank you so much! I will definitely mess around with that to make a much better effect. I seriously appreciate all the help, you’ve been a massive asset already


New Update:


Hello all! I would like to announce Citadel!

With this comes some changes, I will be going over everything in the game thus far. Any feedback is much appreciated.

  • Player Character can run, jump, and slash at will. Pressing 1 will result in 2 slashes, and pressing 1 again without moving will result in a combo adding on a 3rd slash

  • 2 current enemy types

  1. Slime
  2. Tarasque
    Both currently have 2 hitpoints, but Tarasque will be updated in the future to have much more
  • Indoor areas vs outdoor areas:
    Although similar, you will spend most of your time indoors running into slimes, and knights, outdoors you will find more mythical creatures such as the tarasque, (passive/static creatures like crows) and more upcoming enemies.
    Most indoor areas tend to be lighter, with the outdoors being dark and foggy.

  • Never Return Level Types:
    Be careful not to wander too far without paying close attention to your surroundings! If not you may never be able to get back…

  • Next update:
    The next update coming up will feature an expanded level, with a working title screen and level select.

And that’s all for now everyone! Thank you for reading, and I sincerely hope you have a fun time with Citadel! Again any feedback is much appreciated and encouraged, I will do my best to implement all major complaints in order to maximize the experience.

And with that being said, I can’t wait to hear your experiences!



I love the art in this game. Especially the green monster guys.


I love the art of this game, especially the lighting.

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Dude please don’t go to other people’s topics and advertise your game. It’s off-topic and uneccessary.


Sorry mate I don’t wanna go.

That’s great! I’d rather it not be pushing my update messages back though-

Next time please just make your own thread, and do not self advertise on someone else’s.
That aside, I will be sure to check your game out :slight_smile:


New Update:


  • Quicker slashes

  • Run animation slightly refined

  • Attack animation slightly refined

  • Tarasque hit points updated

  • New health bar (hit points reduced to 5)

  • Indoor area changes:

    1. Pillars added, chandeliers attached
    2. Better lighting
    3. Slightly increased area
  • Title Screen:

    1. Start button
    2. Level Select

And that’s all for now everyone! Thank you for reading, and I sincerely hope you have a fun time with Citadel! Again any feedback is much appreciated and encouraged, I will do my best to implement all major complaints in order to maximize the experience.

I can’t wait to hear your experiences!



New Update:


  • Run animation slightly refined

  • Death Screen

  • Refined Title Screen

  • Custom Mouse Icon

  • Indoor area changes:

  1. Side-Pillars added
  2. Statues added
  3. Doors close quicker
  4. Design changes
  • hidden area

  • White Knight

  • Custom name options

  • slightly better enemy ai

  • More shadows/lighting changes

  • Sound Effects added

  1. Sword effect
  2. Menu Music
  3. Ambience
  4. Jump sound
  5. faint run sound
  6. Slime sounds
  7. Tarasque sounds
  8. item collect sound
  9. fire sounds

And that’s all for now everyone! Thank you for reading, and I sincerely hope you have a fun time with Citadel! Again any feedback is much appreciated and encouraged, I will do my best to implement all major complaints in order to maximize the experience.

I can’t wait to hear your experiences!



New Update:


  • Refined Death Screen
  • Refined Title Screen
  • Refined Mouse Icon
  • Indoor area changes:
  1. Expanded
  2. More enemies added
  • White Knight Companion

  • more dialog

  • Tutorial level added!!
    This must be selected from the title screen

And that’s all for now everyone! Thank you for reading, and I sincerely hope you have a fun time with Citadel! Again any feedback is much appreciated and encouraged, I will do my best to implement all major complaints in order to maximize the experience.

I can’t wait to hear your experiences!



New Update:


  • Tarasque death animation
  • Indoor area changes
  1. Expanded
  2. completed level
  • Start of level 2

And that’s all for now everyone! Thank you for reading, and I sincerely hope you have a fun time with Citadel! Again any feedback is much appreciated and encouraged, I will do my best to implement all major complaints in order to maximize the experience.

I could really use some play-testing, so if anyone has any feedback it would be greatly appreciated

I can’t wait to hear your experiences!

Link: Flowlab Game Creator - Citadel




I like choosing my name :slight_smile:
The tall knight guy is very cool as well