I have been able to share my games for the past year but just recently all games that I share are giving a 404 error. I am not sure why. I have changed the ‘play’ section to ‘view’ and have tried to create new games but all of them read as 404s
These are used as tutorials. The account is free and therefore the game should be public but it keeps giving a 404. I have tried this on different computers and different browsers but nothing seems to work.
Here is a link that should work
Update it randomly started working again.
Update on an Update- Strike that. It only works when I am logged into my account and in that specific bowser
It’s not working for me.
If it’s a free account, I’m not sure why it wouldn’t be working. As long as the game number is correct it should be working unless the game was deleted.
Also recently (or about 3 months ago I think) the /view was changed to /edit, but both links should still work fine (and it’s unrelated because it’s a /play link)
You deleted the game so it was deleted
It’s not deleted. I can show you screenshots of it if you like.
Also whenever I create a new game it still comes up as a 404 game.
uh that link right there works for me…
Final Update: So apparently I clicked on the teacher account section (which did not seem any different from the free account) but when the teacher trial ended it locked all my examples. Odd that it would not revert my account back to free but I was able to get in contact with Flowlab and they fixed it yesterday afternoon.
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