From what I know, this is supposed to happen when you edit the size of an object that has animations and usually the animations are supposed to fill in the new area with the green space.
So, I don’t know if you were resizing the sprite or not, but I have had issues with animations getting deleted entirely on specific devices.
I don’t know of an actual solution for this, but if you ever open the sprite editor and it turns into this, I recommend closing the tab and reopening it. I wouldn’t exit out of the sprite editor since it’ll save the animation as a green cube. Usually by refreshing the page or reloading a new tab, it should still be saved as the original sprite or frame. You may lose some work if you were coding, but it should save everytime you play test the game or close out of the editor so you probably won’t lose a whole lot.
Interesting… So it gets deleted for absolutely no reason? I don’t think I’ve ever seen this. The green is I’m pretty sure for ONLY for like changing the canvas and stuff.
Were you moving the sprite in the editor? Like shifting the entire thing by the pixels? Sometimes if a sprite gets corrupted, it’ll just revert to a green or red cube when you try moving it. This can even trace to other frames for some reason if you try moving another frame by a pixel or two, it’ll turn into the original frame or sprite you were working on.
Oh wait a sec, I think I know whats happening here but shouldn’t but its a way.
Is the sprite you’re copying from the same size as the object you’re pasting the sprite in?
The editor gets confused when you just copy and paste the actual sprite and not the whole canvas because then the editor doesn’t know where to put the sprite so it places it Anywhere.
Normally this happens to me with internet issues so it corrupts the data. Luckily though if it’s a big issue, I think Grazer said that sprites that were recently deleted can be recovered from the servers (though not code, that’s much harder and risks a lot, so he won’t do that), but don’t quote me on that.