Alpaca Raceway - Demo Game

This is a minor feature request but would be nice for people like me who hold a lot of wrs
A blue marking on tracks that you have a wr on instead of the yellow one like normal

Though this is probably too hard to make since the game probably only knows the wrs on the track after it’s loaded in.


Behold, the first ever completion of the hardest track in the game (GA5). After 34381 frames, I beat it. I totally did not get 6 minutes into a youtube video while waiting for stuff. It took like 2 minutes to paste and 10 seconds to copy.

(over 115,000 characters so i needed to paste it into a 30 page google doc)
edit: it’s 116324 characters lol


the dedication this guy has




I won’t be able to make a lot of progress rn because I’m letting my friend borrow my computer (they need it for summer classes) Sorry for the delay, but when the game does come out it will have another incredible feature. (I want to have 2 technical marvels, but one of them requires a bug fix)


Oh btw Galactian I really like that idea of being able to see which maps you have wr on from the menu, I’ll make sure to add that to the update. I promise I will add your track to the list, I’ll just add it with the rest of the list.


I guess while I’m posting I’ll list some of the things that will be in the update (This is not all of it, some of it is secret)

  1. More track settings (Time of day/Ice/Dirt/etc)

  2. Being able to put the mouse over the track list and it will display the track name (Maybe when you click it a little pop up will be displayed giving a description, name, WR, as well as some other things)

  3. More particle effects

  4. A settings menu to turn off things like car sounds, particles, etc. To improve performance/user experience.

  5. When you try to reload a track it will just reset the checkpoints, that way you no longer have to wait for the game to generate the map.

  6. How the car turns and accelerates is different (Engine Off is no longer super annoying)

  7. More track tiles (idk what yet)

  8. A way to save your replays (Thank you grazer for text lists)

  9. A way to select which ghost to view (There will be multiple ghosts for each track, that way you can see different racing lines and just so there is more of a record besides my Google sheets)

  10. A way to see which track you have the WR on from the menu (ty Galactian for the suggestion)

  11. A credits menu so people who suggested different ideas will be thanked

  12. A few other secret things I want to be a surprise :tada:

If you have anything you want to suggest feel free to do so!


@chrisdakiller @rezarg @PhantomWolfMoon @Pixel_Name1


Sadly this has been greatly delayed due to my friend borrowing my computer for summer classes and also from me wanting to add more to the game.

I can no longer give an accurate prediction for the release date, but I have been making progress.
Also, @MetaNinja showed off their title screen, so I guess I’ll show mine!
(Thanks to DinoDev for making this, I love how it looks)

Pings, Wow it has been awhile

@chrisdakiller @PhantomWolfMoon @Pixel_Name1 @rezarg


That looks like an amazing screen! DinoDev really did a good job on it.




fortnitate babaji (that’s randomus shittus for “good game art”)!


I just realized that Alpaca Raceway has over 500 plays, so thank you so much (80 are probably from me)


You’re welcome! I hope you and everyone else enjoys the next 500.


So I was thinking of doing a redesign of the car so I made (and copied) a few different car sprites

Which one do you like best? And if you could change something about it what would it be?


How it looks In game

Also, you can see that car number 6 is larger than the rest, so for that one, I might need to make it smaller via size behavior.

Also, Also, I was thinking of making it so that the game screen could move (Adding a camera), allowing for larger levels, what do you think? (Right now the building is limited to 30x18, but I was thinking of expanding it so maybe it would be something like 45x27? idk maybe larger/smaller, what are your thoughts on that?)

Ping ping, ping ping ping!

@chrisdakiller @PhantomWolfMoon @Pixel_Name1 @rezarg

  • Car Design 1
  • Car Design 2
  • Car Design 3
  • Car Design 4
  • Car Design 5
  • Car Design 6
  • Car Design 7
  • Car Design 8

0 voters


6 got drip but 5 fits best


6 but make the back wheels farther apart.




whoops sorry i tried to submit my run but for some reason i probably had something else submitted on my clipbord


That looks like a run. As of rn I’m making alpaca raceway in a different game so instead of having to import the run on the older and new version I will delay uploading maps/runs until the full game is released (You can still submit things, you just won’t be able to see it yet)

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