Animal Evolution simulation

Hello there,

I have finally thought of a new project, I’m gonna TRY to make a human/animal evolution simulation where objects get their gender, traits, skills, facial features, and more from either their parents or their experiences. I do need some help, like sprites, calculations, and ideas, if you would like to help vote in the poll and I will ping you when I need certain things.

- Pixel_Name

What are you good at
  • Sprites :person_raising_hand:
  • Calculations :abacus:
  • Ideas :bulb:

0 voters


What exactly do you mean by “Calculations”?


Math like calculus, geometry, etc


im nice at ideas for intellectual brains at games people would play because partially its grindy by my idea.

Bruh I forgot about this lmao

1 Like

Sorry. I was asking when you were going to start then I realized my comment said, “5 months late.” And I deleted it.