So, I’ve been taking some time pondering a lot about these…ahem…off topic responses. The thing is… I don’t know what to do anymore
“Bro, just stick to one post so this argument ends”
I just need to get this out of my head so I can continue my game
So, I’m just gonna say some thoughts and let y’all decide.
Argument/Thoughts here
1, Nobody has actually told me to stick to one post after creating 2 or 3 of the same-ish topics, not even Grazer, Samuel, or Jr01. I’m wondering if it’s actually okay if I didn’t, or it’s a recommendation I never knew. (All I need is to just tell me and that’s it, nothing else)
2, I feel it’s too late to make DevLog because I’ve actually planned that after this topic, I’d make one more topic for a last update thing, but now that seems impossible at the moment.
(2 stories in one update, then that last one)
3, Saying that it’s annoying because it’s burying other posts is insulting and hypocritical because it’s like saying this game is not important at all compared to everything else. These are just announcing updates, not really a priority. Also, everyone is literally burying posts (and me doing it with 6 other posts doesn’t actually/exactly make it any different, plus you can just click on the page to see what’s recent)
4, There’s nothing else to announce. It’s pretty much the only thing I have up to date since I don’t have indie. If I did stick to one post at the beginning it would pretty much be the only game I did and would ever post (right now though, there’s no telling me when I decide to get Indie, but if I did, I will stick to devlogs).
5, Didn’t really understand what a devlog was, lol
Remember, these are just thoughts. Nothing else. Now I’m gonna let you guys vote.
- Make one last post of the game later
- Keep this as a devlog
I just need a vote, nothing else. No argument.
Also, if we’re gonna go off-topic like this again, take it somewhere but here.