[Answered] Finding Collision Coordinates

I have a game with several of the enemies related to blades and saws. I would like to spawn a spark upon blade impact with the player object but have no way to find out anything beyond the rough location of the impact. This would also help with bullet impacts and debris from firing. In short, I want to find the coordinates of a collision.

You can go into the blade and have it emit sparks with the ‘emit’ behavior. It will probably be the easiest way. I can make an example game if you want.

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Heres a really quick example, Hope it helps!

When your player hits the blade, just simply change the ‘mouseclick’ to a ‘collision’.

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Extracters can be used also, like this…

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on collision use the “send to last contacted object” setting to send a message to last contacted object, then make that object that you sent that to extract it’s x and y coords and then reply to last message with those coords.

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Thank you so much for the reply, but I was more looking to find the angle the blade hit at as to play an animation of sparks where the impact is.

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Oh… I’ll fix it in a little bit… sorry.

No problem at all, just a communications error, thank you for taking the time to consider this, I’ll appreciate any help.

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Anytime! This might be better, you can change the amount of sparks in the ‘random’ feeding the ‘reapeater’.

Holy ■■■■ this is exactly what I needed! Thank you so much!

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