Anyone looking to help out with HAKK3R 2?

Happy to see HAKK3R 2 is continuing production. Just remember, i’m on the team so if you ever need anything just give me a shout!

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Wait; you’re still on the team even after me leaving your’s?

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yes of course! I joined the team because I wanted to help you, and i’m not going to quit just because you left mine!

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There you are mr.ramshackle!!!

Uhhhh…yeah here i am!!!

we had some things we would like to cover in the flowlab all stars discussion.

HAKK3R 2!?!?!?!?!?!!? (unclear

I’m confused haha
Can you reword that for me, please? Sorry, I misunderstood :sweat_smile:

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(It means im surprised HAKK3R 2 is coming

oh haha, yeah!
HAKK3R 2 releases in October, 2022, if everything goes according to plan:

If you want more info; my website is a great place to look :slight_smile:

2022!?!?!?!?!?!? aw cmon (20202020202020202020202020202020202020

haha the game’s gonna be huge, already 15 minutes front to back as it is! It’ll be worth the wait; regardless of how my animations turn out haha
Promise (=

I have a huge game to me and maniacpumpkin are making it but we need more members

I can get the word out about the game, if you’d like?

Or at least point you to good places to recruit people haha

First and second heres the topic link:Tattletail remake Dev Team!

oh haha
Looks like you’ve actually got things handled, but just a thought; getting the word out on other platforms might be a good idea, there’s a subreddit for Flowlab, Discord channel, that’s all I personally know about, but it’s a start

Hey! we got a member in my team browngr and maybe i could help with HAKK3R 2?

Hey; 8-Bit! With recent events, I’d say we’re actually set as far as HAKK3R 2 goes. Congratulations on your team, though! Happy to see that part of things working out :+1:t2:

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Thanks :slight_smile: Heres the game