The attached objects I use will randomly detach. Does anyone know what is causing this?
If your using a joint, its because your fragility is >0.
If your using an attached behavior, you are probly setting the position of the attached object.
It’s unlikley, but it could also be a bug with destoying attached objects.
I’m not using joints. It is occuring with destroying objects.
Does sending messages to destroy joint objects work better than turning off attached objects?
Destory and detatching will both remove the attachment or joint object. Also do you mind sharing a link to your game?
You have to get pretty far to see it
(Btw You’ll have tons of money because I have it like that when I’m testing.)
So what object isn’t attaching? And when does this happen?
Also after some testing on my own, when a attached object is destroyed, you need to turn off the attacher and back on to re-attached the object.