Awakening Forum Update.
(The game received a small patch and a lot of Concepts)
Im really trying to finish this game. Wow, this became so much bigger than I ever imagined when I drew the first Fernando.
At this time without any public activity on Awakening. It has received some small but notable improvements (Bug fixes, Adding Sounds, Sprites Improvement, Dialog changes and Bosses Behaviours changes ).
By the time I was on vacation and could not work digitally I got a lot of inspiration. Making me draw a lot of conceptual art (for biomes, characters, secondary missions, weapons, skills, bosses, etc.) and write the rest of the story and continue the flowchart of all the choices available in the game.
Some Conceptual Arts I did (I won’t post more because I don’t want to spoil it all):
I’m counting on the fact that you don’t understand Portuguese so you do not cheat with the choices haha
The Past chooses the Future:
As I already had the story developed I decided to create “Background History” for the secondary characters and noticed that this was really necessary. Of all the character SugarMoon stands out because it is the character that gives the first interaction of the game-world with the player, which makes it very special.
I don’t know if you noticed but the game starts with SugarMoon flirting with Fernando and the conversation unfolds in a way (let’s face it) shameful and long which makes the game very annoying, thus causing the player to stop playing before reaching the most interesting part in the game, where the bosses get bigger and the gameplay and dynamics of the game improves.
Do not worry I will not change the story again. All I’m going to change at the outset is to remove unnecessary conversation and give SugarMoon a new personality.
(and perhaps take his name from “prostitute”) and add more meaning to the path, thought and choices of Fernando.
For example:
- Why was SugarMoon at that time, at that place?
- Why would SugarMoon be nice to a stranger?
- Why would Fernando trust someone from Inanis to tell him his mission and his destiny?
- Who’s SugarMoon?
- SugarMoon is not human. What is she and what did she do?
All these small questions will decide (and facilitate construction) the future of Fernando and his mission. And that is why they needed to be answered and some changed.
I want Awakening to become a good experience for the player from start to finish and that captivates both in the Beginning and in the middle and the end. I know it will be difficult but I want to make a good game. A game I would pay for it. A game that would take my time trying to complete and see what happens in the end. A game in which I fell in love with every detail and intrigued me in the universe of the game as if it were real.
It will be a long and arduous journey, for me and Fernando, but I am totally willing to take it.
And I really want to thank you deeply for all the support I received. You guys have been a nice community to interact with and have helped me immensely. <3
Hope to post here again soon with a brand new giant update