Back with something special...

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

Maybe you don’t know me anymore… But I’m back! I still remember some people. But maybe they’re gone now…

I made something special for Flowlab. A series of YouTube tutorials (I didn’t upload them yet). I’ll start a new thread soon to give you the link of my channel (I made a new channel).

I made these videos because there are too many questions from beginners. And we have to answer them the whole time. So maybe can @grazer make my videos official to avoid the questions :wink:

I’m still working on the videos! So they aren’t here at the moment.

Have a great day
~ Latif

Lol now I think people don’t care because I see no replies

That sounds cool, and I remember you :wink:

Hey Latif,

We remember you :slight_smile:

The video tutorials sound fantastic, I can’t wait to see them - it sounds like a great idea to me!

I remember, and i subbed

I m a d e a n e w c h a n n e l . Y o u d i d n ’ t s u b m e . . .

What’s the new channel?