Background Collision Animation

So i have a object as a cursor and in the background layer. I also have an animation if it’s selecting something. But theres a few downsides. You can’t use collision in the background layr. Any way to do this?

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Nevermind, i fixed it by hover code.

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Huh, it can hover but not play the animation, any help?

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I would suggest moving the mouse curser either in the UI or game layer, but it non-solid but enable collisions. The background doesn’t have collisions on at all so when it hovers over something it doesn’t detect it.


I would suggest only background objects actually be in the background. A hand cursor is not a background object, it affects things in the game. And any UI elements should be in either the Game Layer or UI layer (so selecting options to start the game and etc. should not be in the background


I tried putting the play button and cursor in game layer, now the cursor is on the background of the play button whenever we hover.


@TheFlowingLabThatFlowsALab if you put it in the ui layer, it can detect all game layer objects but still not interact with them, and automatically is layered above everything else. Try using proximity instead of collision!


Increase the cursors display order


I don’t know how to use proximity.

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Aww, rip. I just deleted all the code.

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ok made it again heh

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A cursor is an interface object (usually) so it’s best to put it in the interface layer

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Okay but what about the play button?

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Interface to be safe, but if it’s just a still screen nothing is wrong with use the game layer (as long as you keep display orders prioritized/organized).

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I made the button work now just need the animation to start. (interactable anim) and the uninteractable anim