Backup OTC of Destiny

john having a fight with the voices in his head like


idk why the first one says if harry potter was British…he is


That’s the joke XD

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dang it ran out o likes


John Shrekinson’s Forum Resources (Check Topic Solution)

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Disney has a reputation for family and children movies so most parents in today in age probably don’t pay attention to the influences they push in their movies or think twice about the rating.

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what influences? sounds ominous


i dont there is much reason to think twice thought yall don’t really care when it a straight couple kissing in a movie but the second they gay its a screamfest (believe me I would know I grew up in a Christian family and the church)


oh,so it’s homophobia


some common phrases in the church “they are poisening our children” “its just grooming” “brainwashing the masses” “absolutely disgusting” “I wish they would crawl back into the closet”
“the democratic party being used as the devils puppet”


even if you think your doing it in a respectful and loving way its still pretty homophobic and makes teens like me and children feel unsafe


I never said I was afraid. I feel this word is very misused.

I could continue this but I’m sure we all have better things to do. And don’t think I’m opting out because I have nothing to say for myself. I have my views, and you have yours. And if someone wants to identify or be something I personally don’t agree with, I won’t hate them for it, but I feel the idea is being pushed too far in current media and they villainize people with the same beliefs as I. So you either stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.


just wanna say homophobia doesnt mean to be afraid of gays :slight_smile: anyway understandable have a nice day

oops maniacpumpkin already ended this nvm

I believe that freedom is the right of all sentient beings. So I cannot be homophobic because that would not be freedom.

Nah. I don’t care about that. It just depends on the show or demographic to me. Gay kissing in an adult comedy show about police officers based on real life? Yeah, makes sense. But in an educational show or something like that? Nah I don’t see how it makes sense. Same for straight kissing. My parents covered my eyes from all on-screen kissing when I was a kid no matter what.

Flowlab is safe, it’s just that nobody here, including gay people, believe in the corporate nonsense and political agendas often being pushed around these days. I am sorry if you feel unsafe. No one should feel that way.


ok, so i dont believe in the corporate nonsense and junk seeing as they only do it to get a lil extra money BUT I still don’t like it when people outright say things against LGBTQ in particular even if it is just a movie or branding.


Anyway as ManiacPumpkin said we all prob have better things to do other than political junk


Idk I feel more mature discussing politics. I’m very immature most of the time and in need of growing up. Some people may disagree. ManiacPumpkin is one of the coolest Flowlabian fellas ever so I hope this discussion doesn’t put anything negative between us


Well, phobias mean to be afraid of. Being in fear of something and disliking something are different. I can see how someone dislikes something else because they are afraid of it, but then again, it’s based on perspective.

I think it can be applied to some people, but the word itself was kind of created by society for those who do discriminate against those who are of that group. And I’ve seen some people use it as a fail safe when someone posts something stating their opinion against it and such and it doesn’t bother me personally to be name called or titled as something someone else claims. I guess it really depends on what the user thinks it means.


We all have different views which make us all unique from one another.

I don’t dislike anyone here because of their outside life, but I also don’t think much of it should be discussed on here as well. Mostly from various reasons such as it’s a public forums, alongside many schools use flowlab, and etc.

I mean, we both are of different religions and never once have I thought any different of you because of it.

The only time I would dislike a user is if they had hostile behavior or contributed hateful attitudes towards other users without proper cause.


:100::fire: :handshake:

Forgot to say how much of a W this is