Battle Island

What do you guys think is the most fun and convenient way to hunt in the game?

Ever play Duck Hunt?

on ssb4

I played smash on Duck Hunt stage… I’ll go see on youtube

i get it

You could do that, a forest with animals, and you have like a mouse or arrows move a crosshair target, and shoot them. Have rocks and trees, or bushes to hide animals.

I created a duck. “duck” would be more like it. No one will even know what it’s supposed to be xD

one problem: when I get my target to do an animation every time you click, the duck doesn’t die even if I click on it. So I can’t do the animation…

Is the target a UI layer?

… the second mistake… :scream:

Oh well. I’ll manage… I never thought that these UI mistakes would lead to the destruction of the game… :cry:

Okay Mhx… I did the duck hunt idea. The only things you can hunt are currently the pig and ducks, but it gets chaotic, really fast. Rarely the animals die without being clicked directly, idk why.
Pigs are slower and goes in a straight line, but it goes in a straight path and you don’t get that much time to stop it.
A flock of ducks can invade your screen at once, but there’s plenty of time to shoot them before they fly away.
The objective’s 10,000 points before you lose all 5 lives. It’s not that easy, but it’s not hard either, considering the circumstances.

i miss the animations…

also, the objective of the game has changed drastically since I first began to make it.

Yeah, getting over 30,000 is easy. At the end, when you lose, you can keep clicking the birds to get more points.

should fix that

It’s fixed!

Im experimenting with having meteorites coming at you after you get 8000 or more points in hunting. You have to shoot them, too, to break them, or you’ll lose a life and 300 points.


Added reapers to the hunting game. When you’re over 8000 points, reapers will start to come. If you click on them, you instantly lose 300 points and die.