Beginner tutorial videos are back :)

Thanks :smiley: Orā€¦ you should thank me I donā€™t know

I know most of the gimmicks of flowlab, and almost how powerful it is. Maybe Iā€™ll learn something new for you. Maybe not. We will see.

As of now, Iā€™m borrowing a laptop, I wonā€™t have one for a month. Iā€™ll try to get flowlab running on my Pi, and Iā€™ll still have some time to browse the forums, but I donā€™t think I can get a screen capture on my Pi unless the screen record chrome store app works. Iā€™ll try to buy a good laptop, and when I have time, Iā€™ll make some tutorials for advanced mechanics, things I come up with that Iā€™ve never seen anyone else do. I figure if people see that flowlab is much more than a ā€œSuper Mario Makerā€ for kids with Microsoft Paint, they will understand the engine is actually worth trying out. Based on the games screen, people might get the same impression I get from Are there good games? Of course. The problem is, the games tab on flowlab lists the games that have been refreshed the most, not the most popular games, or staff picks. There is no organization, and you could scroll for hours, since none of the games are tagged a genre. I know flowlab is in beta, but Iā€™d love to dress it up nicely, and show off all the best of the best parts about flowlab, to get people to want to join. Thatā€™s what my videos will do, Iā€™ll show how complicated and unique your games can get. Iā€™ll test the limits of the engine, like I always have. Iā€™ll record gameplay of games Iā€™ve made and games I like. I need videos for my channel anyway. My youtube channel is all game glitches or hacks I did, recorded by holding up a phone, back 6+ years ago.