Bits in Review - A Return?

I absolutely hate how your ironic flirting is better than my unironic flirting…


I could always help you review your skills if you know what I mean :wink:

I already know what they are:

  • 0 Strength
  • 7 Perception
  • 0 Endurance
  • -1 Charisma
  • 5 Agility
  • 10 Luck

Hey that would be the first negative score I’ve done, so that’s something

You forgot intelligence, lol.

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Not entirely sure what you mean, but I figured that I’d point that out. Didn’t mean to offend anyone about it.


It’s a common-place saying on the internet for when someone doesn’t get a joke. He meant to leave out intelligence because it was so low that he forgot to put it in there in the first place.

But of course, someone took that as an insult and flagged it, because I guess Flowlab’s not supposed to have humour to any degree whatsoever


And here, we see an r/woosh memento in its adolescent years

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Ah, they grow up so fast


That’s a very ugly child :upside_down_face:


Hey Bitwit can you take Rise off the reviewing list. I will submit it again once I finish it.


Yes, I can do that for you. Thank you for letting me know!


Alright! This took longer than I was hoping, but here is the new website! We have gone from a 2000 era site to a sleeker, easier-to-navigate design. Of course, as mentioned before, this uses Weebly rather than Google, but the watermark tradeoff is well worth it!

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stares intently waiting for a link

(5 hours later)

There is an issue with the link I want to use lol

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I’ve seen the new website already and I love it! I just think others should see it too lol

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Thanks! I updated the description and I want the updated one to show up in the link embed. It’s still updating I suppose :confused:

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Try using a link instead of embedding.

Please refer to this website going forward for all of your reviews and requests needs! (This should be the final website shift)