Bits in Review - A Return?

@Superstargames check the guns for SCP: World’s End and Galaxy Trek. No matter what, they aren’t rotating or emitting in the right direction, no matter what. @grazer

there isn’t really much here yet and it’s quite unfinished, but I’ve been working on it for a while and i think there’s enough of the game to get some feedback.

it’s a top down shooter game similar to the visual style of something like enter the gungeon, and has portions of the game split up like the original zelda.
in the game you currently can only fight some slimes and an unfinished boss. because of this the game is just called “slime dungeon” right now.

I would be really happy if i could get a review. thanks in advance.

P.S. coins don’t do anything currently

@F3Art Thank you for the submission! I will be on it soon!

Current Review list:
1.) Trash vs Cash
2.) Slime Dungeon
3.) Free Slots (Please tell me if anyone who has asked is missing)

Hey, @BitWit! I have a game I’d like you to review, but keep this in mind while doing so:
I challenged myself to create a game in under 24 hours, given a random prompt. My prompt was “A Game from the Villain’s Perspective”.
I hope you enjoy DUNGEON CRAWLER.

@browngr Yes I will get on that soon, thank you for the submission!

To everyone who has been waiting for reviews thank you very much! Those should be done later today!

Hey everyone, this is a quick update considering the lack of reviews. Firstly, I’m very sorry for promising reviews when I did not assuredly have the time to complete them. I will not be editing or deleting my previous comment because I would like to admit that mistake. This being said, reviews should be rolling out more regularly as they are received. I will try my best to have all of the reviews sent in done by sometime tomorrow, but if they’re not, know that I am working hard to get those done. Some may ask why it takes so long to complete these reviews. While these reviews in most cases, should absolutely not take upwards of a week, I do put a certain amount of care into trying to review a game justly, honestly, and fairly. I often make sure to compare games I have received to the other ones I have reviewed to get a sense of scale, and I almost always try to write my reviews with a firm and critical eye with an underlying tone of understanding and sympathy. Ensuring these standards takes time and care, however, I will be the first to admit that my poor time management may have killed some hype regarding these reviews. Again, I’m sorry if I got your hopes up for something that I didn’t deliver on time, but with fingers crossed, this should be alleviated by tomorrow and Monday at the latest. Thank you for your understanding, and have a wonderful day, you deserve it!

-Kind regards,

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Scoring Update!
From now on graded games will no longer be penalized in the mechanics section for incompleteness beyond what is taken off for what I can’t grade. Instead I will be rewarding games with a degree of completeness with a flat bonus to their total average by up to one point. This is being done because I feel expecting a completed game is far too harsh for a more casual update style editor such as Flowlab. On top of that I think that this criterion is responsible for a lot of penalization in games which don’t really deserve it and is a major grade killer in most of the games I am sent anyway. Anyone who wants a regrade based on this new update is free to ask for one!

TL;DR Make a complete game, receive a bonus.

Current Review list:
1.) Trash vs Cash
2.) Slime Dungeon
3.) Dungeon Crawler [The 24 Hour Challenge]
4.) Direct Message Review
5.) Free Slots (Please tell me if anyone who has asked is missing)
Hey @BitWit Here’s a game my friends and I have been working on! What do you think?

Good to know that you will still be doing reviews!
By the way, could you re-review Pixel Sports? The game has underwent various changes, including a new Campaign Mode, a separate multiplayer game (which is terrible at the moment and was very rushed), and new outfits, and I wanted to know what you think of these new changes.

is this review forum still going on @BitWit?

@F3art Indeed! I kinda have a backlog of games though because I took a break then the Flowjam started so I didn’t have time to work on this. You’re more than welcome to ask for a review for a new game if you want one, though I don’t know when it’ll be done :confused: (Probably within the week)

If you’re just asking for the review for Dungeon Game, that should be done within than a few days.

Here are the games specifically requested that I can recall in order.
1.) Trash vs Cash
2.) Dungeon game
3.) Dungeon Crawler [The 24 Hour Challenge]
4.) Aiden Parkour VC
5.) Cubey
6.) Pixel Sports @BitWit do you mind reviewing my game,If your still doing it?

@tertre Of course, just make sure to send the link and I’ll be on it after I finish the previous ones!

@Bitwit he did send a link

@gameraider374 The link isn’t for a game though, just a users my games page. I’ll need a game link to actually do the review

Oh I didn’t click on it

That’s okay :slight_smile: @BitWit here is the link