Blackscreened Again

Was working on restoring the sprites for my game ANIMOSITY only for the fabled black screen to strike again.

Seeing this is absolutely terrifying as reloading the tab may result in more animations lost.
How do I get rid of this guys

This dude had the same problem

Grazer really should make an exit hotkey for the sprite editor so when this happens, it allow the work to be saved.


yeah I reloaded and all the animations and sprites for the player were gone… AGAIN!!! :sob:

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Maybe next time you get them back, you could download the sprites so you have some backup.

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yeah I already have the spritesheet

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basically the same thing has happened before and while I was restoring the sprites today from the player spritesheet flowlab decided to do this again and make me copy and paste the frames all over again

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Well, at least you’re prepared for this!


Any time I’ve ever uploaded spites into the editor my game crashes like this. I just do everything in Flowlab now.

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the thing is, the first time this happened, I wasn’t uploading anything at all

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hasn’t happened to me yet, but it might happen eventually. I really hope grazer/ken fixes this. (yes that is grazer’s real name. read the about page on flowlab.)