Bmarzi's Knockout Reviews

Anti Matters by @CrimsonBlackGames

I like the black/white mix with the color changing anti matter, it’s fun juxtaposition. The artwork is simple but has a classic feel to it. I am curious to see the game in color though, but I’m not a hundred percent on that… so do with it what you will. The menu artwork seems a little too simple compared to the rest of the game. I am certain that you have the ability to make a better looking game logo… it needs some fire, some pop.

I originally didn’t like the gameplay because I couldn’t figure out what I was supposed to do, but once I understood the strategy, I really enjoyed it; and spent quite some time trying to get my name on the first page of the leaderboard (Sadly I could only reach the second page). The buttons are a bit unforgiving, but I think that’s the point.

Theme: The theming feels good throughout, but maybe a backstory would help sell the whole experience. 3/5 stars
Fun: The game is deceptively simple, but that’s what makes me enjoy it so much. I know I can beat my previous score so I’ll keep trying. 4/5 stars
Art/Sound: I really enjoy the artwork, but the menu and game title definitely needs something. 4/5 stars
Creativity: There is a familiar feel to this game, but also a little creativity to it, good job. 3/5 stars
Overall: I really like this game, for sure update the menu and think about a backstory. Overall this is a good game. 3.5 stars

Next will be The Cow Snatchers from Outerspace by @Lyndon_Bork