Knight with a Gun by @Kasamir
This game is a good start, not quite finished yet, but getting there. The most glaring thing missing is sound and music… I double checked my volume was unmuted and turned up, so if you did add sounds, make sure they are programmed correctly; and if not, get on it.
Another thing to remember is to utilize the description section, this is a good place to add a brief backstory or explain what the game is… you should go back and add more than “roguelike.”
I really enjoyed the main menu, the title is simple but the use of greys and greens is really good, but you need to widen the “w” so it’s the same as the other letters. Also, the cursor looks great but it stands out as a different art style than the rest of the game and the pixels are different sizes. The words that appear over the buttons is cool, but the button hover animation is visually soft, try changing the color of the button to a dark grey so it’s easier for the player to see. Lastly, add the fullscreen option to the main menu.
For the skin select screen, I love the transfer, but the different fonts and pixel sizes is distracting. Pick one font to use throughout the game and menus.
As for the game level, I wasn’t sure why I was given options at the beginning, so add a description that explains to the player why they are picking between these options, also not sure if it was intentional but I was sometimes allowed to pick multiple options. Also, not sure if the rooms were meant to be random, but when I died and restarted the first room was different each time. As for why I died, and my biggest gripe with the gameplay (for a lot of Flowlab games) I am left handed and use a laptop without a mouse, so I’m trying to either using my normal left thumb on the pad and my right hand crossing over to use WASD, or I try to use my non dominant right thumb on the mouse pad, which I’ve proven I’m not capable of… this is the long winded way of saying please add arrow keys to the movement along with WASD, this allows options for the player to have.
Theme: As the title would suggest, it’s a knight game… so the character fits, and even the gun fits because of the title, but the zombies need some explaining. 2/5 stars
Fun: The game is simple and is programmed well, but a bit too familiar. 2/5 stars
Art/Sound: The artwork is good and consistent, I like the knight, but you should try to use the same pixel size for everything. The sound however is non existent, so get to adding music and sounds. 2/5 stars
Creativity: As I stated in the fun section, this game is too familiar to not only other Flowlab games, but just general castle style games. Determine what you think all those other games are missing and add it to your game to make it stand out. 1/5 stars
Overall: This is a great start… add music and sound, double check your pixel sizes, and singularize your fonts. Then add that something special to make your game different. 1.75 stars
Next game to be reviewed is Wizzo by @Galactian