Idk if it’s my place to say this, but my game’s score overall is 2 stars. The game is Taile Gamougg 2 [remake], and the homies and I will improve it asap.
Not to worry, I really enjoy doing it, I’m judgey and have a lot to say. Plus I’ve seen a lot of aggressive reviews that don’t really offer any constructive criticism.
After Virus Apocalypse I’ll review Slugs Against Humanity by @CarbonSoda
ok first of all i have tested the game and my friens have too so uhm skill issue i guess all of it is possible and its not too hard one of my friedns that just tried it beat first level in less then 10 minites i dont know what you mean by own warnings tho and im focusing more on the gameplay then graphics because many games i see focus too much of them and the gameplay is just unoriginal and also wall jump does work you have to get used to the harder way to do it, it may be a simple game but unless you find an example simmilar to my game i dont belive it
I was gonna send this for review anyways, here’s my take on a hard platformer.
Okay ignoring that, please review this Bmarzi:
don’t send new games in here, as a reviewer myself it’s a pain to have to review games that aren’t finished yet, plus we’ll usually never want to review it again once it’s finished
instead make a new topic asking people for some smaller feedback which takes less time
it can take up to 30 minutes to write a good review so make sure you aren’t wasting the reviewer’s time
Virus Apocalypse by @Ember.Y aka @JUSTPLAINOP
I really liked the backstory, everyone should go and check it out, it’s completely unnecessary and could have been simplified to two sentences but I really enjoyed that you decided to take the time to give us every little detail. Great Job!
The sprite stacking is amazing, you should go back and do the same for the walls and enemies, I’m sure you only had so much time so you choose to focus on the player, which I would have done too. I will say that the character should always be facing the direction he’s moving in, not where he’s aiming… it just looks a little off, not a big deal. The music was a good fit, but you should add other sounds. (i.e. player treads moving, robot vacuums, explosions, etc.) Lastly, you should add different bad guys with different attacks… the game got a bit slow.
Theme: This is very clearly a sci-fi game. 5/5 stars
Fun: While the game is easy to play, it got a little slow at times, so adding different bad guys will help keep the game flowing. 3/5 stars
Art/Sound I liked the sprite stacking and hope you continue that to the rest of the game. The music was a good choice, but need more ambient noises. 3/5 stars
Creativity: This game is similar to a lot of others, but the sprite stacking is really nice. Find a way to make this game different than just moving around killing enemies. 3/5 stars
Overall: I said it once and I’ll say it again, I enjoyed the sprite stacking. The game needs more variety of sounds and different enemies to make the game less stale. 3.5 stars
Next game will be Slugs Against Humanity
Hey, @Bmarzi!
Could you review Daniel’s Body? Most people got stuck on levels one and three because of difficulty. Everyone has been informative about those levels but anything passed that I have heard very little about. If levels one or three are too difficult, let me know and skip to four and five.
Just a quick note for @rockyboiyay and anyone else who submits a request: If you ask for a review, you should expect to get a critique and accept it gracefully.
I just cleaned up a bunch of nonsense whining about a review, so please don’t do that
I probably extended that for way longer than I should have, my bad.
Slugs Against Humanity by @CarbonSoda
I haven’t seen too many games like this on Flowlab where the enemies have a pre-determined path to attack something the player needs to defend, so it’s a refreshing game. That being said, I get why the slugs are attacking the flower/garden, but not sure where “humanity” comes into play. If the slugs were attacking a city it would make sense, may I offer a new title… Slugs Against Gnomanity, seeing as the Gnomes are protecting the garden. Plus “gnomanity” is a funny, nonsense word.
I like the main menu page, and the font fits… I would suggest using the same font for the game level too. And the ease in should be smoother. The artwork is nice and consistent, and most of your pixels are all the same size except the flower, you should redesign the flower with the same size pixels as everything else.
The game works well, however you should add the cost of each tower so the player know how much money they need. I did notice that sometimes the slugs stop spawning.
Theme: The title and game work well as a garden theme, but the word “humanity” doesn’t quite fit. 4/5 stars
Fun: The game is fun and works well, but the player needs to gain money faster so that they can get more towers and beat the slugs. 3/5 stars
Art/Sound: The artwork is nice, but the flower needs to be made with the same size pixels. Also, and obviously, you need to add music and sounds. 2/5 stars
Creativity: The game is pretty different, but could still use a little something extra to make it stand out creatively. 3/5 stars
Overall: It’s a simple but fun game, that needs a little bit more work, some music and sound effects, and something different to really make it pop. 3 stars
The next game will be CubeTales 3 by @nhgcr_for_the_3rd_time
Man i love your review ,my game,its not very polished so i never expected even a 3, i will change the name ive had a lot of reviews that criticize y game for being bad but with no construction or reason winterbear and your review are best ive ever had
@Bmarzi there is sound and music?
Huh, I see that now, have you been editing it today? Because the gnomes look different now too.
could you review me game dawg
yep Hehe im working on it
Thanks man I really appreciate it. Sugar coating a review and saying it’s the best game ever does you, the developer, no good… neither does simply telling you your game is bad. As developers and creators we need honest constructive criticisms, tell people what you like and what you don’t, and if you have other ideas let them know; and don’t take the rantings of one reviewer and go drastically change your game, get several people to let you know their thoughts and build the best game you can. If you want to work on it then send it back in a few weeks or so, I’ll gladly re-review it.
CubeTales 3: Flames of Destruction by @nhgcr_for_the_3rd_time
It says the game is by GamougGaming… is this another Shrekinson account? How many do you have man???
This game is really nice, a bit repetitive, but nicely put together. The menu looks great and the music and font fit the sci-fi theme. The issue I have with these platformer games is they all seem to blend together after a time. What you need to do is figure out what everyone else isn’t doing in their games, and add it to yours.
The background story is well thought out and intros to each level help the game feel more polished. I would suggest you make the background a lighter color palate as it can be hard to see the platforms sometimes. Some of the artwork is inconsistent, the robots seem flatter than the cube, try adding some shadows or light to help. The HUD is really nice too, helps with the sci-fi theme.
Theme: I really liked the introduction, and each level seemed to fit the narrative. 4/5 stars
Fun: The game is straight forward and fun, but the levels may be a bit long, it gets repetitive. Either add more objectives or make the levels shorter, 3/5 stars
Art/Sound The artwork is nice, but the game looks busy, so try using a lighter palate for the backgrounds. Also work on the robots so they are the same style as the cube, it looks like two different people designed the characters. 3/5 stars
Creativity: The game is a basic platformer, so add something to it that you don’t see in other games like it. 3/5 stars
Overall: I like this game, the cube animations are fun, but the artwork is a bit inconsistent. Keep adding to it, I’d like to see more. 3.25 stars
Next games to be reviewed will be Daniel’s Body by @DarkStar_Studios followed by Invader Blue by @hi4250five
Yay! I am happy to receive this praise, especially from someone like you!
I am so used to the moving where you’re aiming concept that I put it into the game without much thought. Maybe I’ll make a way to choose different control setups.
Yeah, I used a… large amount of objects per level, so it’s a bit slow.
That’s the plan! I just don’t want to make anymore major Updates before the Jam ended.
I don’t know where to get sounds like that, but I’ll definitely try.
Thanks for the review!