If you’ve played then Well we have a page on Facebook it’s Bob Ware and you may be happy to know were using a different engine to continue working on the game. link to page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bob-Ware/567794986618617
it’s a bit different to the current version but continues through the story which has been removed in place of the other features in the current. Please support by liking the page on Facebook and the game will be continued either way. Just if anyone know’s of any where this could be published much thanks would be given.
http://flowlab.io/game/play/21135 link to current game
Hey, what’s he story on the new engine? I see you mentioned an object limit - what object limit are you running into?
Yeah we’ve created too many objects so we can’t continue unless we pay and we can’t do that so we’re just using a different engine with rpg maker and a code i made up for it. But thank you for this website that gave us the idea to make the game of our comics we are very greatful