Mainly what I do is look through the sprites, see if there’s anything “inappropriate” (imagine me doing air-quotes), and also the alerts to see if there’s language. I also look at animations, gameplay, etc.
Kids Quest ,
Rated Efor :
Medium difficulty
Difficulty includes some thought to get through puzzles, but is overall a family-friendly game! Great puzzles, great fun, great time-passing delight!
I’m actually starting to doubt why I mad this discussion… You guys really don’t make anything too inappropriate, being responsible people :lol: Maybe it will become a challenge:
“Who can make the most disturbing game on FlowLab?”
Well, some discussions work, some don’t. I just wanted to see how people would see this, which this is not a good one. It was a bit fun while it lasted, but as far as I can see, I’m not using this anymore. I will keep it bookmarked till 5/18/19 (this Saturday), and if no one says they want it to stay, I will take off the bookmark and let it go. Thanks, and have a great day!
I may try to rework a game later that could be listed into the M rating.
It was a group game until the save bug on Flowlab. I’m thinking about reworking it and maybe finishing it if I can
Easter eggs do count @Crigence , as it is still content within the game. Thanks for submitting! This is not my busiest discussion.
Old Super Mario Bros.,
Rated Efor :
Some medium difficulty
Has some difficulty that may be harder for some, but the majority may get through for an enjoyable experience!
Bounce Jam,
Rated E10+for :
Medium to hard difficulty throughout
The difficulty may stand out to players and could be presented to the more professional gamer. WARNING: This game may cause intense rage-quitting :lol:
There has not really been anything over a E10+ … Maybe a Mature competition? Anyways, thanks for submitting! You can put those in the your game description as well! Rated by the BGAR!
Some blood (1/5)
Some medium difficulty
Cartoon violence (2/5)
Scary images (1/5)
You don’t know who is playing this game, so some very young children who usually stick to the Rated E zone might find those more of a matured game. My highest rating yet! Who can beat it?..
If @Latif says its okay, I will do it. If he says no, then I wont. But if he does not respond, I will go ahead with the age rating. @Latif , if you’re here, please speak up! I will rate it sometime next week unless you say otherwise!
You shouldn’t review other people’s games without their permission! That’s what @“Daniel Folston” did, and we saw what happened to his review discussion!
I’ll consider that as a “no” from @Latif , @Crigence (at least, for now). I’ll just wait for him to respond. For the meantime, you guys can still submit games to be rated by the BGAR! Go ahead, this is just for fun - you can even include them in your game description!
Cartoon violence (2/5)
Some scary images (2/5)
Difficulty can range from easy to hard
This game is very enjoyable to play, and can play it for such a great length that the difficulty could rise decently! Some things may be disturbing to some players, but overall, a game for all!
I will once I’m off of my break @“JR 01” (and after a few other reviews). I might just come back today since I’m getting a job, so I might not be on here as often.