Bored Game Age Ratings - BGAR

I’ve realized that some games have certain properties that may have some suggestive content, which could, I stress the word “could”, as most of these games are not suggestive. But this could be fun, so I’d like to do something similar as the ESRB ratings. Have any of you guys thought about this, about FlowLab age ratings? Just submit in a game that you’d like to be reviewed for age ratings, and I will play it in near entirety to see for the rating. These ratings DO NOT mean that a game is good or bad.

So, why not? Come on sending. Maybe one of you guys will make a game just for this. Thanks, and have a great day!

What are the Age Ratings based off of?

  1. Violence (out of 5)
  2. Blood and Gore (out of 5)
  3. Language (brief, mild, and strong)
  4. Partial/full nudity (I know, I know) (brief, mild, and strong)
  5. Difficulty (easy, medium, hard)
  6. Scary images (out of 5)

Some of those may not apply to your game if it does not have it. Thanks!

Rating scale :

EC for Early Childhood
E for Everyone
E10+ for Everyone 10 and Up
T for Teen
M for Mature
AO for Adults Only (Please don’t make these games… Please)

Remember! These ratings are only suggestions.

Bored Rated: DRIVE (E), Rise (E), Temple Runner Retro (E10+), Kids Quest (E), Old Super Mario Bros. (E), Bounce Jam (E10+), Block Run (E), Survive The Zamboodles (T)

Let’s see how this results;

Okay, this one will be simple:


Rated E for :

Some medium difficulty

(Yes, I rate these for difficulty, too, as a suggestion to the player that it may be difficult) This game is suitable for ALL audiences. Thanks for submitting @“JR 01” !

Still not done yet.


Rated E for :

Some medium difficulty
WARNING : this game takes frequent updates! Some may still not be rated due to being unfinished!

Game for all audiences, taking in updates which, personally, I feel will be appropriate. Thanks for submitting @“Johnny boy” !

Thanks @rcreger

No problem @“Johnny boy” !

Temple runner retro

Also make sure to check out prestige…

Temple Runner Retro,

Rated E10+ for :

Medium to hard difficulty
Slight use of blood (0.5)

The difficulty can be a bit hard at times, and one of the skins consist blood (the zombie skin), but other than that, this game seems perfectly fine as the low amount of blood. Thanks for submitting @ToastMaster64 !

10 and up, really? at least it wasnt M lol.

Well @ToastMaster64 , Minecraft is also a E10+ too… :lol:

Who knows @ToastMaster64 maybe your games will be as good as Minecraft! Lol

Keep on sending them in, guys! I’m trying to keep these ratings as true as possible, and could be great to display in your game description!

Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 2.30.16 PM

That looks cool @“Johnny boy” ! Glad it can be of some use :lol:

I’m still age rating games, everyone! Don’t be shy, I’ll be glad to rate your games!

The BGAR is still open to all games! Please send some more for me to rate, as this is fun for me to do! Thanks to all who have participated so far! Have a fantastic day!

Do we really need age ratings? Most games on flowlab aren’t really that violent anyways.
Unless this is for fun, in which case, have fun!

Yeah, it is for fun @“Biscuit Butter” :lol: this is not required, it just gives me something to do – and maybe you guys just want to see what rating it could have.

I know you can’t really make anything too bad on here, but I am basing these ratings off of if everyone was, say, maybe 10 years old maximum. So even a lil’ bit o’ blood will be part of the rating… For 10 year old children. So no, you don’t need it. This is just for fun.

In that case, might as well submit the original Kid’s Quest. Beware, as it is insanely violent…