BroBro Studios... Team Application


if your tynna imply im not gonna do anything im going to be doing the most

He gave pretty good constructive criticism. The truth hurts, but that’s the only way to improve. It’s better than saying negative things without the constructive part.

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That’s the exact opposite if what I was implying

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ohhh mk then what were you saying

I’m saying that more people doesn’t mean you’ll make a better game

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ohhhh ok well that’s not necessarily true and that’s not the point of teams anyways

hey @00T_Free

Why are you doing this then? Why do you want to form a team if it isn’t to make a better game?

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To learn from it and it creates better teamwork skills and helps me improve on problem solving skills in a group


Dude calm down were trying to have fun doing this it’s something new and interesting


yes! that is exactly the big reason and besides we could make a better game im just considering your argument on how you said being in a group doesn’t always make a better game.


I’m sure you know a whole lot about fun with that attitude :roll_eyes:

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man why yall so mean to eachother


I’m sure you know a whole lot about fun with that attitude :roll_eyes:


i mean you saying that works i dont understand ageny ys argument tho


Are there even any good games on flowlab made by more than 2 people?

Usually it’s one person makes the game, one person makes the art, and a bunch of other people give feedback and advice. That’s how you make a good game on flowlab

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ok if thats what you think then i dont understand why your on flowlab grazer made teams for a reason its not just pointless and thats like saying call of duty would be better if just one person made it?


Call of Duty is a triple A game, not a flowlab game

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I can name a lot. A bunch of people hire baronwastland to make their art and they do the coding

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