Bug with end screen stats

In my game there is an end screen stats menu that shows up once you die or win, labeling your shot accuracy, total time, bosses killed, etc, etc. However there is this really weird and specific bug that the first time you play the game per day, the stat screen will show the placeholder text. The weird thing is if you refresh the page, play on a different account, restart the game, it will work as intended, but as soon as its the next real life day, the bug appears again. Is this a problem with my code (a spaghetti buffet) or something else?


Could you show a screenshot of this bug accruing?

(By the way, I love the game.)

Thank you! Also:

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Is this part of the bug? The No/Yes?:

Yeah, its usually only supposed to show one

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@gamerztrio, I’m pretty sure it’s a bug, but I can only test that once a day.


The Programing seems to work okay.

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■■■■, ok then. I guess ill just have to turn the placeholder text to ‘play again to show stats’ or something like that. Its fine though, its really helpful to have a second unbiased opinion, so thanks :slight_smile:

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No problem! :grin: