Can anyone run me through exporting my game?

@grazer @“JR 01” @“Mhx Ar” Helppppppp mmeeeeeeeeee

What platform? Other than iOS, it is pretty straightforward - you just click on “Export Mobile or Desktop App”, select an icon file to use, and then click “Start Build”. When it is ready, the download button next to your game will be enabled so that you can install and test it.

iOS exports are trickier, but you can start by reading this:

Click Export by the game in the My Games.
Fill in the information then wait until its finished exporting. (approx 30 min.)

You can play after downloading on Windows and Android,
but you have to go through Apple Developer just to even test it for IOS and Mac.
Read the link that Grazer posted for more info^

Well thats the problem, when i try to open my game it says its invalid

It says invalid after clicking this link?

If so, try signing out and back in.
If it still does this, then please try emailing grazer

You can email Grazer by Clicking the Orange life tube icon on the bottom right of the home page here;