Can music flow through the whole game?

I’m making a game for a school project and while making it I added music to it. But the thing is every time I complete a level or have to restart a level the music restarts with it and I was just wondering if I was able to make the music flow through the full entirety of the game (including through multiple levels)?

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@CreepyCreeper I don’t think so unfortunately, but tip, make levels really long as with a school account you only get 5 and instead of using “restart level” use checkpoints so it doesn’t constantly restart the level or make it too hard.


Thank you very much!

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@CreepyCreeper Always happy to help! If you need help doing anything else do post and someone will likely reply.

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Thanks and have a great week. I will gladly take your advice!

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This isn’t currently possible, but is a commonly requested change on the roadmap: Trello


Alternately, you could add an intro/outro to your music that is triggered on level start and level end.

or, before the level transition, fade the volume down to 0 and then back up at the start of the next level and it won’t be as noticeable.


Going off of what @todorrobot said, you can cut up music in an editor (bandlab perhaps) and download parts of it, so when one is done, it plays the next, or filters that say play this section if the last section played this and so on.

Maybe an intro/outro with the visuals as well with a UI solid color that covers the whole screen that fades out to a low alpha at the beginning and fades to a higher alpha before you move on to the next level to make it look less noticeable.

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