Can someone make a team and invite me plz

i want to make a game and want someone to help make the game so can someone make a team and invite me so we can work on the game


Sure, just wait an hour or so…

ok sure ill wait an hour

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I invited you. If you work on any games you aren’t permitted to, you’ll get yeeted :upside_down_face:

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so what do i do to allow you to help me with a game

What. I have to add u :confused:
Which is what I did.

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i know you did but can you click on one of my games and edit it and it saves

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That’s bot how dev teams work, In order for you both to be able to edit the game the dev team leader (@hihilogic in this case) must make the game. They can’t edit your games, and you can only edit the games they allow you to.

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No. You can’t control the team :upside_down_face:

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oh so he has to make the game and allow the team to make it? :thinking:




oh ok so can you ask him to make a game called parkour fun and allow the team to help

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Bro I’m right here :upside_down_face:

oop lol sorry my bad

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but can you make a game called parkour fun and allow the team to make it to?

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wait i need to do privet chat

Sure! We can work together! Is tomorrow ok? If so, I’'ll write down various tips and examples!

This is 2 months old

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