Can't wait for this feature!

The only problem is, I’ll think, “oh! I can add so many new features to DoM.” Then my computer won’t be able to take it, and I won’t even be able to play the finished game :unamused:

I’ve had some experience with Lua and JavaScript, but not enough to actually write up a whole program. I am excited for this new Code Block! It may also help me practice writing code.

@MetaNinja @Ramshacklegamestudios, Ye agree. With a script code editor and a custom, text-based programming language with the functions of the behavior’s would be easier to make games. Then drag and drop because it would hurt my fingers a lot and it’s dreadful to program with. But a text-based programming language with the functions of the behavior’s would take visual coding to space!

Sorry to say, but a full script editor is unlikely to be added.

Flowlab was made with and for the visual coding in mind, for the ease and simplicity on teaching programming and game design. And over the years, everything has been updating through the visual coder with new and more behaviors that adds more depth and freedom to the games we make. Especially with the new update the Grazer is working on, it will change how Flowlab is used completely by new and old user. But again, this is adding a behavior (and data structures with this update) that will be added through the visual coder.

The only way I see having a full script editor would be either using the source code (not an option) or creating a new code editor that would have more features and controls than the code block that he’s going to add in the next update.

But who knows, maybe Grazer could add a new script editor made from scratch that adds the visual code as you make it in the script code. Now that would be something to see and use, but probably in a year or 2 if it is added later. It’s like remaking Flowlab again to add that editor if you think about it…

On the other hand, you may could look more into the exporting / importing code.
It’s fun to Tinker around. :wink:

Sorry for the Article, just something on my mind and wanted to explain. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@JR01, You are right about that. But adding a code editor with functions of the behaviors would take flowlab into another level. For example, if a new account is created they would be presented to visual coding ( behaviors ). So over time like 6 to 8 months, The new game-developers would gain access to the code editor with some knowledge of visual coding. But the game-developers would realize that the code editor has the same functions of the behaviors and it would make it easier to make games than drag and drop, it’s dreadful making games with your finger. If I would make games for years with my fingers, It would decay over time. Plus adding this feature increase marketing in flowlab tremendously and maybe it would appear in the best game engines just like construct 2-3. And lots of youtube channels would appear making tutorials for and maybe it would appear infamous youtube channels like Brackeys or Dani.

@JR01, And if the marketing would increase, the more money grazer makes. More features would appear in

And making features more affordable.

@JR01, Ya understand why I think this feature would be great.


you don’t need to tag JR 01 3 times @R0CK only tag him once

I don’t understand, theres already plenty of options for game engines without visual coding. You could opt for one of those.
Flowlab visual programming its the essence of flowlab.

Sorry. I am kinda tired for me it’s really late, lol.

If I sound rude or anything let me know.


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Your fine lol, it more so comes down to experience.
But I understand having the ability of scripting, but also know Flowlab was never designed with that in mind so it could take a while IF it does get added.

If marketing increased, Grazer may could go Full time into Flowlab instead of as a hobby. Marketing popularity and creativity is what we try to push out for not only for Flowlab, but for Grazer as well and what he can do with Flowlab.

In the mean time, we strive to create better games and push the boundaries of Flowlab. I can’t wait for what some of us has in store, several big projects are in the works. Until then, check out the games that we have on the front page. Really proud of Escape the Rewind and what we were able to do in 2 weeks.

The new update is going to help a lot with these too, looking forward to it.

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Will this add the ability to add discord api/rich presence?