Hey guys,
I’ve seen a lot of users (2) post topics for their Flowjam games so I thought; Maybe I should make one of my own, so I did. It will be a sort of Dev Log for my Flowlab game. I will post the art both here and, on my channel, if it is worthy.
I’ll create updates for the game every day and post the update in the evening (Maybe morning) of each day. The game has progressed quite a bit today. I only have a bit of time to do it but, taking lessons from my other games, I managed to make some complex HP systems.
Would you like to be tagged for updates?
Anyways, that’s all for now. I probably won’t post an update today.
Update 1.1
Today I made the two animations for the main player character. One for jumping, one for walking.
- Animations (Done)
- Made the ten objects for the elemental powers.
- Fixed the life system
- Made a stupid number of animations
- Made a large number of sprites (Art)
- Made my hand ache like a fracture
That’s what I did today. Since I did over 5 things today, this is a major update. I am happy with the animations and hope to start the level design later today or early tomorrow.
Player sprite

Every Elemental power

Life object
Code for the object emitter
"Emit object's collisions
The emitting objects can’t use a single collision because the player character is 2 x 1, meaning that the emit objects would be automatically destroyed when the player emits them, if they collide with the sprite’s head or feet.
Tags: Major update: @John_Shrekinson @nhgcr_for_the_3rd_time @BeesyBee @BradenS @ManiacPumpkin @Kasamir @DinoDev @paisleypug @Hong_Jooni_Pooni @DWGAMEMASTER
That’s all for now.
Have a good day,
I sure hope that you changed the basic run and jump bundle. Or better yet that’s your own.
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Yes, but why do you hope so? It is useful. I just call it Run + Jump because it’s different from the boring Run & Jump.
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Because the basic run and jump is flawed. That is my only reason.
So, I finished work, now I will update my game. For some reason, I have the unbearable itch in the back of my mind that’s urging me to work through the night, XD.
Anyways, I need to make a power like Stone Edge (Earth move from Pokémon). It will be the last elemental power for the game, then I will start the level design, maybe try to add wall jumping…or double jumping.
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Update 1.2
Things I completed:
- The double jumping (Now it works!)
- Drew the first enemy
- Started the first level
- Started to code the enemy (Need a bit of help)
- Made a darn lot of Ray casts
(This is a minor update.)
The double jump bundle
Animation bundle
Enemy code

That’s all for now. I need help with the enemy, I also need to finish coding the objects today so I can start the level design again.
@DinoDev @paisleypug @Hong_Jooni_Pooni @DWGAMEMASTER @hi4250five
Good day!
Time for some Late-Night level designing!
By the way, I fixed that. (The enemy.)
My code for the player. So many behaviors.
I also added Gamertag tracking!
Can’t wait to see what you make of this!
Just don’t make it too much like the other virona games lol
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I won’t. I do tend to make the background and the other small things alike but I’m going to be making deserts, rocky mountains, and maybe even a swamp. It’s not just going to be the forest, that’s only the first Kingdom.
Hopefully, a tenth placer.
I am going to make a second path, that might be interesting. The mountains are after the forest, then the desert.
Aw man, another platformer?
yeah, I am making a more unique type game.
What’s wrong with platformers? Most games are platformers, after all.
Should I make my game top down then
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It’s already almost half through the Flowjam. If you have a game, you should stick with it.
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Yeah platformers just get boring unless there is some interesting/unique mechanic.
Just make sure to add something to spice it up!
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it i think is a side scrolling fps
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Update 1.3
Things I completed today:
- Drew a few more sprites.
- Animated a torch.
- Made a cave 2/3rds through the first level.
- Checkpointed level 1.
- Fixed the enemy (All thanks to JR01).
- Coded the enemy and Player HP
Player code,(Bundles):
Bundle "Gamertag":
Bundle "Player HP":
Enemy bundles:

Bundle "Shooting":
Bundle "Move":
Level design:
The cave:
Well, that about sums up the work I’ve done on this game today. It took a while but I got the enemy, player, and checkpoints set up. Since I finished more than five things today, this counts as a major update and there will be 13 tags (Pings).
Major update tags:
@John_Shrekinson @nhgcr_for_the_3rd_time @BeesyBee @BradenS @ManiacPumpkin @Kasamir
Update tags:
@DinoDev @paisleypug @Hong_Jooni_Pooni @DWGAMEMASTER
Thanks to all who helped me with this update,