(CLOSED) Recruitment, OP Racing


Before the school year starts back up, I’ll be working on a new project that will combine all of the skills, and more, that I’ve learned over the past year. It will be racing-based with spritestacking, camera rotation, and a ton of other fun features that I’ve never tried before.

Does anyone want to join me for this project?

So yeah, I’m basically asking for help, XD.

Would you like to join?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Part time
  • I’ll help you outside of the team

0 voters

Oh, and by the way, I’ll be buying indie for a month to make the dev team. It’s been a temptation ever since I joined Flwolab, I said I wouldn’t, that was a lie.


ill help

Literally for me school starts in two days with work being on those two days

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Oh, well, my school always started in September. Do you want to join or not?

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i do you helped me i help you

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Ok, after the poll has 11 votes, I’ll chose two users, for I have no particular user in mind except for… someone.

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I’ll leave it for one week then close it, it should have quite a few votes by then. I’ll get indie then, the wait is excruciating, XD. I never thought I’d pay to make games for fun. If I need to, I’ll get indie once more after the game is finished to sell it.

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i have school next weak

Sounds cool… I have many projects I have already been working on… But I can join if some requirements are met or something. You can PM me if you want me to join.

Ok, you don’t have to.
This is an option.

Also, I’ll make a schedule for game development so we can still work on Vironia.

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wait what does it mean by “I’ll help you outside of the team”?


I’m guessing it means you won’t be part of the team but he’ll come to you for help?


By signing up for I’ll help you outside of the team, a user is signing up to help the developer outside of the team, as in, he or she is on the PM group and will give tips and other help.


3d sprite stcking…camera…sounds familiar


Eh, I wasn’t thinking of that.


I’m going to use my current team to make this game, meaning that this topic is;

Officially Closed.

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am i in it :grinning:

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Not at the moment:

oh can i help

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Yeah, at the moment, we will not add anymore members, but you could;
. Sorry.

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